Strategic Analysis, Research, and Reporting (SARR) exists to serve internal and external constituents’ data and informational needs. Internally, we partner with offices throughout Washburn University to provide clean, timely, and actionable data and analyses to help the University serve its strategic needs, especially as they relate to helping students succeed.

Request Data

Need to know something? Please complete the Data Request Form. You will be notified by email when your request has been received and reviewed. To access the Data Request Form, you will need to sign in with your email username and password.

Navigate Argos

Wondering how to access Argos?  Try this direct link to Argos Login, or learn about how to access Argos from the Washburn homepage.

Not sure how to navigate Argos once in it? Contact one of your Data Bods. You may also contact

Tuition and Fees Report

This report provides historical information about Washburn's resident undergraduate tuition and fees and how those costs compare to other universities in Kansas and across the country.

Tuition and Fees Report 2023-24


Washburn Data Book

The Washburn Data Book is designed to provide a ready reference of tabular data concerning key facts about Washburn University and Washburn Institute of Technology.  It contains information related to Finance, Tuition and Fees, Students, and Faculty and Staff.  A glossary of terms is provided at the end of the book. 

2024 Washburn Data Book


The Higher Learning Commission

Washburn University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The HLC is an independent corporation and one of two commission members of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), which was founded in 1895 as one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. The Higher Learning Commission accredits, and thereby grants membership in the Commission and in the North Central Association, degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in the North Central region.

College Navigator 

College Navigator, a tool provided by the National Center for Education Statistics, is designed to help students, parents, and high school counselors review information about nearly 7,000 postsecondary institutions. Information provided by College Navigator includes program offered, degreed awarded, retention and graduation rates, cost of attendance, available financial aid, campus safety, and accreditation.

College Navigator, Washburn University 

Kansas Board of Regents

The nine-member Kansas Board of Regents is the governing board of the state’s six universities and the statewide coordinating board for the state’s 32 public higher education institutions (seven public universities, nineteen community colleges, and six technical colleges) including Washburn University. In addition, the Board administers the state’s student financial aid, adult education, GED, and career and technical education programs.

College Board, Trends in College Pricing

Trends in College Pricing, an annual publication of the College Board, provides data on undergraduate tuition and fees, room and board, and other expenses at public two-year and four-year and private four-year institutions. The report also addresses the net price students actually pay after taking grant aid into consideration.

Association for Institutional Research

The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) supports its members in their efforts to continuously improve the practice of institutional research for postsecondary education planning, management and operations, and to further develop and promote the institutional research profession.

 Association for Institutional Research

Strategic Analysis, Research, and Reporting exists to serve internal and external constituents’ data and informational needs. Internally, we partner with offices throughout Washburn University to provide clean, timely, and actionable data and analyses to help the University serve its strategic needs, especially as they relate to helping students succeed. Here's some of what we do:

  • Research factors related to student success
  • Forecast enrollment and research factors related to student enrollment
  • Create automated data reports in Argos
  • Create longitudinal and analytic dashboards in Washburn's Data Warehouse
  • Write routine reports that help the University understand itself and how it has changed over time.

Externally, we provide data and information to regulatory agencies like the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) – visit the IPEDS Data Center – and the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) – visit the Kansas Higher Education Statistics dashboard.

SARR's People

Christa Smith



Christa Smith, Executive Director


Tisha Prather



Tisha Prather, Coordinator of Institutional Research


Joshua Huston



Joshua Huston, Institutional Research and Assessment Analyst



Swayanshu Shanti Pragnya



Swayanshu Shanti Pragnya, Application Analyst



Amanda Stoller



Amanda Stoller, Associate Institutional Research Analyst



Washburn University
Strategic Analysis, Research, and Reporting
1700 SW College Avenue
Topeka, KS 66621

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