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WUmester 2025: Being Human

The spring 2025 WUmester will examine the essence of our humanity, engaging academic disciplines from across campus and a diverse range of co-curricular programming. We will tackle pivotal questions about the human condition amidst environmental shifts, genetic engineering, expanding knowledge of nonhuman animals and our connections to them, the ascent of artificial intelligence, the ongoing search for life beyond earth, changing demographics in the United States and beyond, and intense national and global debates surrounding citizenship and basic human rights.

WUmester 2025 invites us to reflect on our shared human qualities—empathy, creativity, morality—while we celebrate our diversity, contemplate our place in a more-than-human world, and craft more inclusive and sustainable ways of being human. Join the conversation during the Spring 2025 semester as we confront the centuries-old question: What does it mean to be human?

What is WUmester?

WUmester is intended to foster a university-wide conversation on a topic related to social justice that will change each spring semester. The goal of the program is to engage the entire WU community in a cross-disciplinary learning experience on timely subjects and help students see the connections between the subjects they study in the classroom and real-world debates and problems.

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