Academic Advising in the Center for Student Success serves as a resource for faculty across the campus with advising responsibilities.  Please contact us if we can be of help to you as you advise students. 

 Academic Advising offers Faculty Advising Workshops twice a year to inform and educate new and seasoned advisors on current advising practices and policies.  We will also provide various professional development opportunities such as webinars to state and local conferences throughout the year.

There are professional organizations for academic advisors at the university, state and national levels.  We encourage you to take advantage of these resources in order to gain knowledge about innovative advising practices, as well as create a sense of community within the field.

Kansas Academic Advising Network (KAAN)

KAAN is an affiliate organization of the national organization.  Hundreds of advisors, faculty and university professionals from institutions across the state meet annually in September.  This conference is an excellent economic way to gain professional development and network with others from our state who share our interest in student success.

National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)

NACADA is the premier advising organization.  Numerous professional development events are held each year.  The latest in advising research is published quarterly in the NACADA Journal.  Many publications and online resources are provided, in addition to regional and national annual conferences.

The Mentor:  An Academic Advising Journal

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