Alpha Sigma Lambda
Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society (ASL) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to recognize the special achievements of adults who accomplish academic excellence while facing competing interests of home and work.
Alpha Sigma Lambda is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship and recognizes high scholastic achievement in an adult student’s career.
Upsilon Nu is the Washburn University chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda established in 2017.
Student Membership Criteria:
To be eligible to join Washburn University's Upsilon Nu chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda, adult students must meet the following criteria:
- currently enrolled with a minimum of 24 credit hours completed toward an undergraduate degree program at WU
- 3.2 cumulative GPA or better
- rank in the top twenty percent of the students who meet the above qualifications
How do I become a member?
Students are inducted by invitation only during the spring semester of each year. Once a member, you have a free lifetime membership.
What are the benefits of joining?
- become part of a premier nationally recognized honor society with more than 60 years of history
- build pride through recognition for achieving high scholastic honors
- access to scholarship opportunities
- receive a membership certificate suitable for framing and a lapel pin
- opportunity to participate in our annual induction ceremony
If you have questions please contact one of the Upsilon Nu chapter counselors.
Jeannie Cornelius, jeannie.cornelius@washburn.edu
For more information regarding ASL, please review their website at: https://alsiglam.org