Accreditation Data
Accreditation Status and Reviewed Programs
The Department of Education of Washburn University is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE). This accreditation includes licensure programs at both the Initial and Advanced levels and includes:
- Elementary Education (PreK-6)
- Art (P12)
- Modern Foreign Languages (P12)
- Music (P12)
- Physical Education (P12)
- Speech/Theatre (P12)
- Biology (6-12)
- Chemistry (6-12)
- English (6-12)
- History (6-12)
- Mathematics (6-12)
Graduate (Advanced) Programs
- Building Level Leadership (MEd and Licensure Only)
- District Level (MEd and Licensure Only)
- High Incidence Special Education (K-6 & 6-12)
- Reading/ESOL Specialist
CAEP Annual Accreditation Reporting Measures
Email request and completer surveys were sent to 38 completers from 2019- 2020. These included completers from the elementary, secondary and P12 programs. Results Of the 54 completers in 2019-2020 academic year, 40 (74%) were identified to be in teaching positions. A total of 15 completers (39%) responded to the survey. All are currently teaching. Sixty-six percent of the responders were elementary completers. Eighty percent of the completers have been teaching for 3-4 years. Twenty-seven percent have added additional licensure. Forty percent have taken additional course work. For the 2019-2020 completers average scores are in the Prepared to Well Prepared range. Scores for elementary completers ranged from 2.2 – 3.0. Scores for P12 and secondary completers ranged from 2.6 – 3.6. P12 and secondary completers rated their preparation slightly higher than elementary completers. A Principal Feedback Survey was sent to principals with permission from initial level completers and the results of this survey showed that completers scores ranged from 2.5-2.83 with an overall average of 2.76, out of a 3.0 scale which was Target. Item #17 on the survey reported: “The teacher makes a positive impact on student learning” which was 2.83 out of 3 (Target).
Spring 2023 – Impact on Student Learning
For a number of years, the Department of Education has tried to obtain impact on student learning data directly from completers, but those efforts were not found to be effective. Completers did not respond to our requests for data showing that they were having a positive impact.
In April 2023 the department initiated efforts to obtain impact on student learning data on program completers from 2018-2020. A list of completers and their teaching positions was developed, and completers were sent a survey of how they felt about their preparation. Based on information obtained from CAEP the department tried to obtain these data directly from the school district. The department selected four school districts out of the completers list. These districts were selected because of proximity as well as because each had three or more completers working in that district. The four districts combined had 52% of the total number of completers the department had identified.
Phone calls were made to the four area districts to inquire about who would be the best person to talk to and what would be needed to obtain these data. Eventually email communications were established with a district administrator in each district. Data was obtained from one of the districts and one district refused to participate citing privacy and personnel issues. Follow up emails were sent to the other two districts who agreed to provide data, but that data was never received. Data from three completers is provided below:
Impact Data - (n=3)
Freshman English Students:
Fastbridge Reading Data:
The first Column is Fall 2022 and the second column is Winter 2022:
Group Average | 532.85 | 537.59 |
Group Median | 536.36 | 540.98 |
Group Standard Deviation | 29.34 | 18.29 |
Group Min | 350.00 | 481.12 |
Group Max | 576.78 | 572.80 |
First Grade Classroom Data:
- In the Fall 2022 Fastbridge Early Reading Screener: Only 6 out of 20 of the students were at benchmark in reading.
- In the Spring 2023: 17 out of 20 students are at benchmark in reading.
- In Fall 2022 Fastbridge Math Screener: 3 out of 20 students did not meet benchmark with an average of 6.6 %ile.
- In Spring 2023: The same three are still below benchmark but on the high end with an average of 12.6%ile. They have shown significant improvement considering their academic struggles.
6th Grade Classroom:
Fastbridge Reading Screener: The first Column is Fall 2022 and the second column is Winter 2022:
Group Average | 505.49 | 519.54 |
Group Median | 508.35 | 523.25 |
Group Standard Deviation | 29.24 | 22.28 |
Group Min | 434.08 | 466.70 |
Group Max | 542.58 | 551.69 |
Future Plans:
With the CAEP Accreditation visit scheduled for March 2025, efforts are being made to connect with other organizations where we can obtain completer effectiveness data a little easier and more representative of the entire group of completers.Initial Programs
Each spring program completers are asked permission to contact their school principals to provide information through a Principal Follow-Up Survey. This survey consists of 12 indicators covering a range of areas that are aligned with CAEP and InTASC Standards. The last survey (conducted in Spring 2023) showed that all the principals rated completers at the Target (3) level. This would indicate that the principals are satisfied with the performance of the teachers. At attempt to get the actual teacher evaluations completed by the principals are always denied due to privacy issues. The Department of Education is continuing to work on procedures which would obtain this data more effectively and efficiently.
Stakeholder involvement continues to be at a high level. Each semester the Department of Education conducts an Education Advisory Council meeting composed of district level partners. Meetings are also conducted with the University Teacher Education Council which is composed of representatives of all the licensure areas outside of the Department of Education (Secondary/P12 Programs). Meetings conducted during the 2023-24 school year sought input on the changes in the Professional Conduct Dispositions Evaluation. Feedback asked that there be a comment box added to the disposition indicators so that detailed information could be provided on the individual. The UTEC meeting also gave feedback on the dispositions and also brought up issues relating to two different graduation exercises for education students which separates the elementary candidates from the secondary/P12 candidates. UTEC members also gave detailed information on the CAEP goals and their individual discipline in individual interviews with the UTEC chairperson. Student stakeholders give input through a variety of course level surveys, including a university-wide course survey and the departmental survey. Student teachers also provide completer input through the Student Teacher Self Evaluation. The self evaluation average score for Fall 2023 was 3.5 out of 4 point scale; Spring 2024’s average score was 3.3 out of a 4 point scale.
Advanced Programs
Advanced-Level Completers Principal Feedback
Two of the five completers at the advanced level provided permission to contact principals. The follow up survey was sent to these two principals, one at the elementary level and one at the middle school level. One of the principals responded. The average score across the 12 indicators was 2.58/3.0. Indicators rated at target were knowledge of content, variety of evidence-based practices, use of grade level resources, use of technology, reflection, a respectful learning environment, and having a positive effect on student learning. Indicators which were rated at the developing level included collaboration with staff, understanding laws and ethics, and assessment (data literacy). It should be noted that for High Incidence Special Education candidate’s faculty routinely ask to review the job evaluations of candidates to help determine their effectiveness in their positions. Candidates in this program often have taught in their positions for at least 3 years by the time they complete the program since many earn a provisional licensure or teach on waivers while they are taking classes. Many examples of these job evaluations could be provided and these show that candidates are qualified and effective.
The Advanced Level programs are so much smaller than our Initial Programs that many time graduate programs are discussed in the overall Education Advisory Council, even all our programs, Special Education, Reading Specialist and Building/District Level Leadership, have separate advisory councils that meet on at least a yearly basis.There are three assessments given to completers at the end of Student Teaching:
- The Washburn Performance Assessment (WPA) – a candidate work sample which shows the ability to plan and deliver a unit of study, including differentiating instruction and assessment, and reflection on the unit of study.
- Student Teacher Summary Evaluation – an evaluation by Mentor Teachers and University Supervisors on the candidate’s performance in the classroom.
- Scores on the Praxis Content Scores – The ETS content Praxis Content Test are required for licensure and test the students’ ability for skills and knowledge in their content area.
The most recent results of these assessments are:
WPA (March 2024)
Number of Test Takers: 19
Range: 102 – 123 (perfect score)
Mean: 115
Average Score: 115
Number of scores above the mean: 11
Student Teacher Summary Evaluation (Fall 2023)
Average Scores Based on a 3.0 (Target) Scale
Construct 1 – Learner and Learning | Elementary – 2.71 |
P12/Secondary – 2.5 | |
Construct 2 – Instruction | Elementary – 2.8 |
P12/Secondary – 2.5 | |
Construct 3 – Instructional Practices | Elementary – 2.7 |
P12/Secondary – 2.6 | |
Construct 4 – Professional Responsibilities | Elementary – 2.8 |
P12/Secondary – 22.6 |
Praxis Content Test Scores (2022-23 School Year)
Number Taking: 34
Number Pass: 37*
Percent Passing: 92 percent
State Pass Rate: 84 percent
*=Actual number of completers in 2022-23 was 48.
Advanced Programs Content Test Data
Special Education – 2019-20
Number of Candidates – 4
Mean: 171
Cut Score: 155
Range of Scores: 163-176
Pass Rate: 100 percent
Most recent scores for Literacy/ESOL and BL/DL Programs are limited to single student scores which are not reported.
Data from the Fall 2023 show that 25 out of 27 student teachers were hired for teaching positions which is 93 percent. Two student teachers decided not to apply for teaching positions at the current time, so basically 100 percent of the student teachers who were seeking jobs were hired.
Data was also collected over the past three semesters regarding student teachers who were hired by the districts where they did student teaching. This data appear below:
Description of Evidence: Hiring data by school districts where Washburn candidates are student teaching show that there are a number of candidates who are hired by their districts. The data below show these districts for the past three semesters. A total of 25 candidates were hired by the same districts where they did their student teaching. Forty-five percent of candidates were hired by the districts where they were student teaching in the Fall 2022; 22 percent in the Spring 2023; and 26 percent in the Fall 2023. Beginning in the Fall of 2022, candidates were allowed to return to their home towns for their student teaching experiences. Part of the reason for this change was to allow candidates to live at home for financial reasons and to give them an advantage of student teaching in the district where they wanted to secure a teaching position.
District | Fall 2022 | Spring 2023 | Fall 2023 |
Topeka USD 501 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
Seaman USD 345 | 2 | 1 | |
Shawnee Heights USD 450 | 1 | 1 | |
Auburn Washburn USD 437 | 3 | 1 | |
Holton USD 336 | 1 | ||
Jeff West USD 340 | 1 | 1 | |
Silver Lake USD 372 | 1 | ||
Santa Fe Trail USD 434 | 1 | ||
Gardner-Edgerton USD 231 | 1 | ||
Blue Valley USD 229 | 1 | ||
Garnett USD 365 | 1 | ||
Clay County USD 379 | 1 | ||
Abilene USD 435 | 1 | ||
TOTALS | 12 | 6 | 7 |
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Department of Education
Education Building, Room 156
1731 SW Plass Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
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Phone: 785.670.1427