English Minor and Composition Program
The English department has two non-degree programs: The English minor and the composition program.
Minor in English
The English minor is 18 credit hours and requires the following courses:
- EN105 ~ Introduction to English Studies (3 credits)
15 additional English credit hours (excluding the EN101 and EN300 university requirements) in the following categories:
- 3 hours in writing (creative, professional, or rhetoric)
- 3 hours in upper-division (300-level or higher) literature
- 6 hours of additional upper-division (300-level or higher)
- 3 hours at any level
Core courses and composition
Every Ichabod takes at least two English courses: EN 101 First Year Writing, and EN 300 Advanced College Writing. Other courses within the Composition Program will help you gain skill and confidence in different types of writing that align with your goals.
Core courses in English at Washburn University are designed to prepare you for success in college – in all of your courses and activities. They’re also designed with your future in mind. Written communication skill is necessary for workforce success and we’ll help you build the competence and confidence you need.
In your time at Washburn, you will take English 101, First Year Writing, in your first year on campus. Once you have junior status (60 to 89 credits), you are eligible to enroll in EN 300, Advanced College Writing.
EN 101 First Year Writing (3 credits; no prerequisite. A grade of C or better is required for graduation.)
Study of and practice with the processes of writing for college courses, especially discovering, drafting, reflecting, revising, and editing. Further attention given to research: rhetorical reading, citation integration, and effective documentation.
EN 300 (3 credits; junior status required. A grade of C or better is required for graduation.)
Intensive writing and revision practice designed to help students develop skills needed to write successful analyses and arguments in their academic disciplines and their careers. Focus on critical thinking about how writing works in various appropriate contexts and on advanced research writing. Sections of specialized EN 300 are available for students majoring in nursing, business and education. These sections emphasize writing processes and genres within particular professional contexts.
Additional Composition Courses
The English Department also offers elective composition courses.
- EN 100, Developmental Composition, assists students in building their writing skills in such areas as organization, development, grammar and mechanics, and sentence structure. You can take this course prior to EN 101.
- EN 208, Business and Technical Writing, focuses on professional writing basics, including business writing principles, emails, memos, and letters.
Which First Year Writing course is best for me?
Learn more about the First Year Writing program from the placement guide.
Questions about core courses and composition?

GET IN TOUCH WITH Department of English
English Department
Morgan Hall, Room 237
Washburn University
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Phone: 785.670.1441