North Korea: Inside the Hermit Kingdom
Dr. Bob Beatty of Washburn University is granted the rare opportunity to visit North Korea and see the Great Leader himself! This documentary film peeks behind the dark curtain surrounding the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) - a dynastic one-party communist dictatorship closed off from the rest of the world. Granted unique filming access to such sites as the Korean Demilitarized Zone, the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun and the Arirang Mass Games Festival; the film examines the history, culture, propaganda and political situation inside "the Hermit Kingdom."
From the Newsroom Podcast: North Korea: Inside the Hermit Kingdom
"Trump-Kim meeting could be the right path (Op-Ed)." (Topeka Capital-Journal 7 May 2017).
"Surreal meets unreal in N. Korea." (The Topeka Capital-Journal 17 October 2009).
"Beatty talks about N. Korea trip." (Topeka Capital-Journal 25 September 2009).
Written Produced and Narrated by:
Bob Beatty, Ph.D.
Directed and Edited by:
Lyall Ford
Assistant Producers:
Ben Faires
Blake Hopper
Assistant Editor:
Josh Cannon
Photography/Videography by:
Bob Beatty
Dave Pomeroy
Website Designer:
John Paul
Production Coordinator:
Dale Rusche
Executive Producers:
Bob Beatty, Ph.D.
Brenda White
Archival Footage Courtesy of:
Asia News International (ANI)
DPRK Korean Film
Eric Draper, White House Photo Office
Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)
Korean Central Television (KCTV)
National Aeronautic and Space Administration
United Nations
United Nations World Food Program
Special Thanks:
Chad Beatty
Lynn Cress
Erik Crouch
Sean Davis
Kendrick Evans
Megan Ford, Esq.
Toni Lewis
Erin Manuel
JuliAnn Mazachek
Lauren Mills
Dale Rusche
Becky Smith
Ginger Spivey
Laura Stephenson
Jim Tagliareni
Lloyd Slapar
Val VanDerSluis
Julie Velez
Jeremy Wangler
Frances Wadsworth
Brenda White
Eugene Williams
Baili Zhang
This production was made possible
through assistance and support from:
Washburn University College of Arts and Sciences
Washburn University Information Technlogy Services
Washburn University Department of
Political Science
Washburn University Vice President of
Academic Affairs Office
A production of the
Information Technology Services
and Political Science
departments at
Washburn University,
CC BY 3.0, 2018.
Some rights reserved.