We’ve outlined important dates and deadlines for you as administrators and instructors, including:
- Course schedule form deadline
- Faculty data sheet deadline
- Course schedule for next academic year deadline
- Course grade and learning objective form deadline
- WU faculty liaison contact dates
Washburn University is charged with ensuring that CEP course offerings are compliant with standards outlined by The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC):
Qualified instructors
Instructors teaching courses for college credit, regardless of whether that course is taught on-campus or at a partner institution, must possess a master’s degree in the subject that they will be teaching.
Alternatively, they may possess a master’s degree in a related subject if they also have earned at least 18 graduate-level credit hours in the subject that they will be teaching. Washburn University is required to maintain records (ie, transcripts) verifying qualifications.
Orientation and professional support
The university provides orientation to CEP instructors regarding curriculum, course philosophy and assessment. Instructors are provided with the same resources and professional development opportunities as on-campus instructors.
Course parity and common assignments
Student learning outcomes, curriculum and classroom activities must be equivalent between CEP courses and on campus courses. Courses may require the use of the same textbook, common assignments, exams or work portfolios to ensure this parity.
These course parameters are determined by the Washburn academic department offering the course. At the end of the term, student perception surveys are completed, as is done for all Washburn University courses.
Communication, oversight and review
CEP instructors communicate with an appointed faculty liaison who teaches the same course on Washburn’s campus. This liaison offers guidance and advice to the high school teacher, answers questions, conducts site visits and reviews the course annually.
Undergraduate-level courses are academically challenging for students who are still in high school. For the diligent student, they can be a source of enrichment and provide early progress toward an eventual college degree.
However, because of the increased level of detail and rigor in these courses, some high school students can find them to be a significant challenge. For this reason, enrollment in Washburn University CEP courses is limited to juniors and seniors with a 3.0 high school GPA or higher and who have the recommendation of their high school guidance counselor.
Exceptional sophomores may also enroll in CEP courses with the permission of the College of Arts and Sciences dean. CEP students are further limited to enrollment in six credit hours of CEP work in a given semester, unless an exception is requested from the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Participation in a CEP course is a privilege for students who have been endorsed by their counselor and admitted into the program by Washburn University. Students are expected to demonstrate active engagement in the course, demonstrate a commitment to learning and conscientiously achieve the objectives outlined in course syllabi.
As Washburn University students, CEP course enrollees are bound by the academic honesty and integrity policies of the university, including the prohibition on cheating and plagiarism.
Students enrolled in Washburn CEP courses pay one-half the current rate of undergraduate tuition. Payment must be made at the time of enrollment.
For questions and assistance related to the CEP program, please e-mail CEP@washburn.edu. E-mails to this address are forwarded to each of the Washburn University CEP coordinators, and the coordinator whose duties are relevant to your question will respond. The Washburn CEP coordinators are:
- Monique Robins | CEP Coordinator | College of Arts and Sciences: Coordinates course scheduling, staffing and instructor qualifications
- Carly Nunez | Executive Assistant | Enrollment Management: Coordinates student enrollment
The following high school personnel are designated CEP coordinators for their schools:
Hayden High School
- Christine Voegeli | Liaison | voegelic@haydencatholic.net
- James Sandstrom | Principal | sandstromj@haydencathelic.net
Highland Park High School
- Juli Watson | Principal | jwatson@tps501.org
- Leosha Giardina | CEP Liaison | lgiardina@tps501.org
- Hayley Van Amburg | Liaison | hvanamburg@usd345.com
- Laura Lyons | Principal | llyons@usd345.com
Shawnee Heights High School
- Laurie Crimmins | Liaison | crimminsl@usd450.net
- Ed West | Principal | weste@usd450.net
Topeka High High School
- Autumn Weyand | Liaison | aweyand@tps501.org
- Ryan Arnold | Associate Principal | rarnold@tps501.org
Topeka West High School
- Brooke Mulford | Liaison | bmulford@tps501.org
- John Buckendorff | Principal | jbuckendorff@tps501.org
Washburn Rural High School
- Keith Wetzel | Liaison | wetzekei@usd437.net
- Kyle Reed | Principal | reedkyl@usd437.net
- Ed Raines | Principal l | raineedw@usd437.net
- Accounting: Dr. Zachary Moats | zachary.moats@washburn.edu | 785.670.2045
- Biology: Ms. Heather Pfannenstiel | heather.pfannenstiel@washburn.edu | 785.670.1749
- Business: Dr. Rob Hull | rob.hull@washburn.edu | 785.670.1600
- Communications Studies | Dr. Steve Doubledee | steve.doubledee@washburn.edu | 785.670.2236
- English: Dr. Vanessa Steinroetter | vanessa.steinroetter@washburn.edu | 785.670.1441
- History: Dr. Bruce Mactavish | bruce.mactavish@washburn.edu | 785.670.2063
- Intensive English: Ms. Kelly McClendon | kelly.mcclendon@washburn.edu | 785.670.2688
- Mathematics: Ms. Stephanie Herbster | stephanie.herbster@washburn.edu | 785.670.1497
- Music: Dr. Rebecca Meador | rebecca.meador@washburn.edu | 785.670.1518
- Physics: Dr. Karen Camarda | karen.camarda@washburn.edu | 785.670.2145
- Political Science: Dr. Amber Dickinson | amber.dickinson@washburn.edu | 785.670.2027
- Spanish: Mrs. Georgina Tenny | georgina.tenny@washburn.edu | 785.670.2094
The schedule of CEP courses offered for Washburn credit by a high school must be approved annually by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Any new or anticipated CEP instructors must be approved to teach before a course can be offered.
Generally, a course schedule for an upcoming academic year is submitted by the high school in March (see CEP Academic Calendar), using the CEP COURSE SCHEDULE FORM.
Washburn University assumes no responsibility for information disseminated to students or parents regarding course offerings, schedules or instructors who have not yet been approved.
If requesting that a new course be offered, or for a new instructor to teach an existing course, information about the proposed instructor’s qualifications must be provided by completing a CEP INSTRUCTOR DATA SHEET and submitting academic transcripts for the instructor.
Hiring of new instructors to teach a CEP course must be approved by the chairperson of the academic department responsible for the course, subject to oversight by the Dean.
Instructors who wish to teach Washburn CEP courses, but who do not yet meet the qualifications standards of a master’s degree and 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline to be taught, can be provisionally approved to teach.
These instructors must complete a CEP INSTRUCTOR ACADEMIC PLAN form, outlining anticipated courses, and will be required to submit an annual CEP INSTRUCTOR PROGRESS REPORT form and transcripts indicating progress in acquiring the necessary graduate credits.
All CEP course scheduling requests should be made to Monique Robins, cep coordinator for the College of Arts & Sciences (monique.robins@washburn.edu).
As a Washburn instructor, you have access to several professional development opportunities:
- Teaching circles
- Speakers
- Networking
- Workshops
- Consultations
Visit the Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning page for more information.
Washburn University Admissions
Morgan Hall Suite 100
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email