D2L Brightspace support:
24/7 phone support at 1-866-888-1272
24/7 email to answer support questions at washburn@d2l.com
Washburn's D2L Blog
Online Education Support can answer your questions about Desire2Learn, Respondus, StudyMate, Respondus LockDown Browser, and Respondus Monitor. Desire2Learn (D2L) reference materials are available online and can be accessed from your D2L Homepage after logging in.
Course Merge Request
This request will need to be filled out separately for each resulting set of merged courses that you are requesting. If you are requesting to merge more than four courses together in any one merge request, please send an email to online-ed-support@washburn.edu.
Course Schedule and Registration
To view the list of available online courses, go to the Course Schedule and Registration Guide and click the Course Schedule link for the appropriate term. Enrolling in an online course is done in the same manner as other Washburn courses. Please refer to the registration section of the class schedule for specific enrollment information or contact the University Registrar for more information.
D2L Getting Started
There are two ways to access your D2L account:
Via MyWashburn:
- Log into your MyWashburn account with your Washburn email address and password.
- Select MyCourses from the left-hand navigation
- Click on the Desire2Learn logo
Go Directly to Desire2Learn
- Open a new browser window or tab
- Go to https://d2l.washburn.edu.
- Log in using your Washburn email address and password.
Unable to log in?
Your D2L account is linked directly to your MyWashburn account. If you are unable to log into your D2L account:
- Make sure you can log into your MyWashburn account by going to https://my.washburn.edu and entering your Washburn email address and password.
- Have you had a recent name change? If so, this process involves updating all of our systems which could take some time. You should receive notification when it is complete and you can begin using your new Washburn email address.
Getting Started Videos
Faculty Training
The remainder of the D2L training information can be found in the Online Faculty Resource Center inside of D2L.
Zoom Video Conferencing
Respondus (Test Generator, LockDown Browser, Monitor, & StudyMate)
There are actually 2 different Respondus products that we use in conjunction with Desire2Learn.
- There is the Respondus Lockdown Browser which is used by students when taking a test that has been predetermined as one that needs to be more secure.
- Then there is just Respondus which is a test generation software used to move questions from LMS to LMS or from a Word document into D2L
Unless the words "Lockdown Browser" are specifically stated, most information is about the test generation software.
License Information
Washburn University has a campus-wide license which offers unlimited use of the software application by persons affiliated with the educational institution (software can additionally be installed on personal and home computers). Free updates to the software are provided for the duration of the license.
Make sure to use the installer provided by Washburn and not the one found at www.respondus.com directly.
Installation on Campus Computer
To have Respondus installed on your Washburn-owned computer contact support@washburn.edu or call 785-670-3000 to schedule a time with a PC Tech.
Installation on Personal Computer
The download and licensing information for Respondus is available to Washburn personnel in Desire2Learn Brightspace. To access it, log into https://d2l.washburn.edu and select the Respondus FAQ link from the navigation at the top. Select the download and installation information link for instructions and the download.
Here are the Word document formatting guidelines.
Here are the steps to import a questions in a formatted document into Respondus.
Convert StudyMate Author files (old Flash) to use in StudyMate Campus
Flash content will no longer function after January 1, 2021.
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D2L Support Site