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Maria Stover

Maria Stover

Assistant Dean College of Arts and Sciences/Professor
Mass Media
College of Arts and Sciences
Morgan Hall
Room 209A
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, KS 66621-1117
Degrees & Certifications
Southern IL Univ-Carbondale, Bachelor of Science
Southern IL Univ-Carbondale, Master of Arts
Southern IL Univ-Carbondale, Doctor of Philosophy
Academic History
Assistant Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Washburn University, 2024
Chair, Mass Media, Washburn University, 2017
Professor, Mass Media, Washburn University, 2014
Associate Professor, Mass Media, Washburn University, 2010
Assistant Professor, Mass Media, Washburn University, 2005
Ph.D., Mass Communication and Media Arts, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2005
Instructor, Mass Media, Washburn University, 2003
MA, Mass Communication and Media Arts, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2001
BS, Journalism, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1998
Study Abroad, American University of Paris, France, 1997
BA Coursework, American University, Bulgaria/AUGB, Bulgaria, 1996
  • MM 492 C, Independent Study
  • MM 494 XA, Internship
  • MM 499 A, Career Dev Digital Portfolio
Scholarly Interests/Activities

My research focuses on the study of media systems in Eastern Europe as well as the evolution of gender and identity in a post-communist context. Most recently, I have been exploring the impact of Web 2.0 on students and professors at Washburn University.

Publications: Books:

(2014). Media and women in politics: Perspectives from nations in transition." Bloomsbury.

Publications: Book Chapters

(2016). "Learning how to do things right: Lessons from the digital transition in Bulgaria,

In Michele Infante & Luciana Taddei (Eds.). Digitization and its Impact on Society.

(2012). "The Girls of Parliament: A Historical Analysis of the Press Coverage of Female Politicians in Bulgaria," In Karen Ross (Ed.), Gender, Sex and Media. Wiley

(2012). "The Key to Success: Alternative Approaches to Mentoring Academic Women." In Marian Meyers (Ed.) Women in Higher Education: The Fight for Equity. Hampton Press.

(2010). "You'll See, You'll Watch: The Success of Big Brother in Post-communist Bulgaria." In Amir Hetsroni (Ed.) Reality Television: Merging the Global and the Local. Nova Science Publishers.

(2007). "First green is always gold: An examination of the first private national channel in Bulgaria." In Isaac Blankson and Patrick Murphy (Eds.), Negotiating Democracy: Media Transformation and Political Practice in New and Emerging Democracies. SUNY Press.

Publications: Articles

(2012). "Using Social Media to Report the News: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Grassroots Editor, 53 (3-4).

(2010). "Drama and Tears at the Olympics: An Examination of the Role of Ideology in the Media Coverage of the Figure Skating Final at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games." Observatorio Journal, 4(2), 137-152.

(2009). "The Politics of Hate: Media and the Rise to Power of Ultra-Nationalism in Bulgaria." Limina: Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, 15, 1-15.

(2009). "MPs with Skirts: Or How the Popular Press in Bulgaria Portrays Women Politicians." Observatorio Journal, 3(1), 311-335.

(2009). "Development of Digital TV in Bulgaria: Opportunities and Problems.” International Journal of Communication, 2, 87"107.

(2009). "Engendering Transition: Portrayals of Female Politicians in the Bulgarian press." Howard Journal of Communications, Volume 20(2), 111-128.

(2008). Making Your Wiki Sticky: How to create a gateway that allows students and faculty to collaboratively share information and resources. The Convergence Newsletter, Volume 6(1).  Reprinted in Feedback, Volume 49(5).

Service Interests/Activities

Reviewer for Feminist Media Studies

Reviewer for Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism

Panel organizer, PCA/ACA

Panel organizer, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).

Judge, Best of the Web competition, AEJMC.

Judge, New England Press Association Contest.

Judge, Suburban Newspapers of America.

Reviewer, Competitive Papers, Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.

Reviewer, Competitive Papers, World Journalism Education Congress.

Reviewer, Competitive Papers, Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.

Career Accomplishments

Research Sabbatical to work on a book on women politicians, 2012.

Summer Sweet Sabbatical to conduct research on reality television in Europe, 2010.

Kansas Association of Broadcasters educational internship, 2008.

Poynter, National Writers Workshop, 2007.

James Ottaway fellowship to attend a Storytelling Innovations seminar organized by the American Press Institute, 2007.

Certificate of Teaching and Learning 2020-2021

Certificate of Teaching and Learning 2022-2023

Certificate of Inclusive Teaching and Learning 2022-2023

Certificate of Teaching and Learning 2023-2024

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