A convenient way to pay
Payment plans are offered for the convenience of students and authorized users who want to spread out the payment of charges for a term instead of paying in full by the payment deadline. During the Fall and Spring, we offer plans with either three or four installments, and during Summer we offer plans with either two or three installments. The plan installment dates are available on the "Important Dates" drop down list on the Business Office home page.
- A $30.00 set up fee is charged to the student account when a payment plan is set up ($20 for CEP plans and summer sessions).
- A $25.00 late fee is charged to the student account for each installment not paid on time (no late installment fee for CEP plans).
- Changes to the student account balance after the payment plan is set up will change the amount of remaining installments.
- Email notifications are sent to students and authorized users alerting them to upcoming payments and any changes in the installment amounts due.
- Installments may be set up to draft automatically from a bank account (webcheck or signature debit card) or credit card (service fees will apply) for ease of payment. Keep in mind that setting up a new or different checking account will require a validation period of 7 to 10 days before the account can be used for payment in the system. This applies to accounts accounts added beginning in March 2021.
- Any cash, check, webcheck, debit card or credit card payments made on a student account are applied to the earliest unpaid installment(s) in the payment plan. Payments that are greater than the installment amount due will reduce the next installment(s) by the amount of the overpayment.
- Financial aid (scholarships, grants, loans) applied after the payment plan is set up will result in the recalculation of all remaining installments to reflect equal amounts due. The recalculation occurs automatically at around 1:00 a.m. for future installments. An email will be sent reflecting the updated installment amounts.
Payment plans are designed to help students avoid late fees and holds if the balance is not paid by the payment deadline. A plan works well for students who can make installments on the scheduled installment dates, or for students who are waiting on aid to come in. Below is an outline of what to consider:
- If you are waiting on loans, grants, or scholarships to be applied to your balance, our 3-payment plan (2-payment in Summer) may be the best option for you. The delayed first installment allows time for financial aid to process, especially if the FAFSA was filed late or is in verification. If your balance is paid in full prior to the first installment, we will reverse the plan setup fee.
- If you are not waiting on aid or other payments to your account, the 4-payment plan is a good option. The plan divides the balance into four equal installments but it still recalculates any remaining installments if any aid or scholarships are applied.
- If you cannot pay your balance by the payment deadline and know you are unable to make the installment payments, your best option may be to just allow a late fee and hold to be applied to your account. The maximum late fee for WU and WU Law students is $100 (based on hours, not balance) and a flat $50 for Washburn Tech students. If you enroll in a payment plan at a cost of $30 and then incur additional late installment fees of $25 each, it can easily cost more than simply accepting the late fee. We do not drop students for non-payment, so the inability to pay will not affect your current enrollment. Keep in mind however, that a balance on your account may prevent you from enrolling in future terms.
Step By Step Instructions for STUDENTS
- Students must log in to MyWashburn
- Go to the Pay Now tile, then click on the blue PAY NOW button to be directed to the payment portal
- In WU-View, select the "Payment Plans" tab on the top menu
- Select “Enroll Now” under Available Payment Plans
- Select the term from the drop down list (note separate term for law students)
- Select the plan from the drop down list
- Read over the payment plan information and click “Continue.”
- Review the information on the "Schedule Payment Plan" tab
- Click on "Display Schedule" to review installment amounts/dates, then click "Continue"
- Click "Yes" if you want to make automatic payments each month (then follow the procedures to set up a payment method)*
- Click "No" if you want to make unscheduled payments online, in person, or by mail
- Click the "Continue" to proceed
- Read the agreement
- Check the "I agree" box and click on "Continue" to save and enroll in a payment plan. THE PAYMENT PLAN WILL NOT BE SET UP UNTIL THIS STEP IS COMPLETED!
- Click "Print Agreement" for a copy of your plan.
*Starting in March 2021, a payment made from a newly entered bank account will require ACH validation from the bank before it can be used for payment. This will delay the ability to make a webcheck payment by approximately a week. Keep this in mind when planning to use checking or savings accounts for payments and set the account up early enough for the validation to process before the payment or installment is due. This change will not affect checking accounts set up as a saved payment method prior to March 2021. For debit card transactions, please note that daily transaction limits on your bank account may restrict the amount that can be paid. Contact your bank to increase your daily limit if you feel the transaction will exceed the limit.
Step By Step Instructions for AUTHORIZED USERS
- Go to the Business Office home page and scroll down to the circle for WU-View access for Authorized Users.
- Follow the steps to sign in using your email address as the User ID (it must be the same one the student set up in WU-View) and the password you created.
- In WU-View, select the "Payment Plans" tab on the top menu
- Select “Enroll Now” under Available Payment Plans
- Select the term from the drop down list (note separate term for law students)
- Select the plan from the drop down list
- Read over the payment plan information and click “Continue.”
- Review the information on the "Schedule Payment Plan" tab
- Click on "Display Schedule" to review installment amounts/dates, then click "Continue"
- Click "Yes" if you want to make automatic payments each month (then follow the procedures to set up a payment method)*
- Click "No" if you want to make unscheduled payments online, in person, or by mail
- Click the "Continue" to proceed
- Read the agreement
- Check the "I agree" box and click on "Continue" to save and enroll in a payment plan. THE PAYMENT PLAN WILL NOT BE SET UP UNTIL THIS STEP IS COMPLETED!
- Click "Print Agreement" for a copy of your plan.
*Starting in March 2021, a payment made from a newly entered bank account will require ACH validation from the bank before it can be used for payment. This will delay the ability to make a webcheck payment by approximately a week. Keep this in mind when planning to use checking or savings accounts for payments and set the account up early enough for the validation to process before the payment or installment is due. This change will not affect checking accounts set up as a saved payment method prior to March 2021. For debit card transactions, please note that daily transaction limits on your bank account may restrict the amount that can be paid. Contact your bank to increase your daily limit if you feel the transaction will exceed the limit.
- Why can't I enroll in a plan? The charges on your account may not be included as part of any available plans, or the term plans may be offline (either not yet opened or it is after the plan enrollment date expired).
- Why isn't my current balance the same as my plan balance? All charges may not be included in the plan, particularly if the charges are from a future term.
- If my plan has a scheduled payment and my financial aid pays my balance, will the scheduled payment be automatically cancelled? If your balance is zero, the payment processing will be cancelled for all remaining payments. If the upcoming scheduled payment balance is zero, the payment processing will be cancelled for the upcoming scheduled payment.
- I set up a plan and viewed my installments. Now the installment amounts have changed. Why? The plan is set up to pay your charges for a number of items such as tuition, books, and housing. Any time charges are added or removed for those items, your remaining plan installment amounts will go up or down.
- Do I have to wait until my installment is due to pay it? Or can I pay smaller amounts when I get my paycheck each week? You can make payments of any size towards your next installment at any time.
- My installment is due today, but I get a message that I can't pay it because it is already scheduled. What should I do? You do not need to do anything. When you enrolled in the plan, you set up payments to be processed automatically. One of those payments is being processed today, so the system prevents you from making another payment on the same day to prevent overpayment or double payment.
- Do I have to pay my plan online? No. You can make payments at the cashier window (Morgan 103) or send payments to the Washburn Business Office. Any payment you make towards your student account will go towards your next plan installment.
- How does my financial aid pay towards my plan? Financial aid is applied to all remaining installments equally.
A Couple of Warnings about Automatic Payments
- Scheduled (automatic) payments can be set up at the time of enrollment in the payment plan or can be added later. If set up later, each scheduled installment must be done individually. Installment dates are fixed and cannot be changed.
- Scheduled payments sent to a bank account with insufficient funds will be returned and overdraft charges and/or an installment late fee may apply; additionally a hold may be placed on the student account that will prevent future webcheck payments.
- Starting in March 2021, a payment made from a newly entered checking account will require ACH validation from the bank before it can be used for payment. This will delay the ability to make a webcheck payment by approximately a week. Keep this in mind when planning to use checking accounts for payments and set the account up early enough for the validation to process. This change will not affect checking accounts set up as a saved payment method prior to March 2021.
- For debit card transactions, please note that daily transaction limits on your bank account may restrict the amount that can be paid. Contact your bank to increase your daily limit if you feel the transaction will exceed the limit.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Business Office
Washburn University Business Office
Morgan Hall 103
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email