What's an iCard?

The Washburn iCard is the official photo ID card for Washburn University and Washburn Tech. All students, staff, and faculty need this card whenever asked to present university identification. It can also be used for access to various University events and services, SRWC, library circulation, door access for the Living Learning Center, Lincoln Dining and Washburn Village and for establishing declining balance accounts for on campus retail operations.

The iCard includes the cardholder's photograph and official Washburn Identification Number (WIN). The first card is issued for free. Replacement cards cost $15.00 for each card.

Where to use your iCard

Washburn Dining Services

  • Use your Dining Dollars or Bod Bucks Account in the Union Market, plus the Corner Store, Lincoln Dining, Libation Station, and Study Grounds at Mabee Library.

Residence Halls

  • Living Learning Center and Lincoln Hall: Door Access, Laundry facilities, and vending machines
  • West and Kuehne Halls: Laundry facilities
  • Washburn Village: Gate access, laundry facilities, and vending machines


  • Use your Bod Bucks account at Moore Bowl, Bianchino Pavilion and Lee Arena concession stands.


  • Check out library materials or use your Bod Bucks account in the Study Grounds Coffee Shop.

Student Recreation and Wellness Center

  • Use your iCard to access the SRWC

Student Health Services

  • Use your iCard to access Student Health services

University Mail and Printing Services (UMAPS)

  • Use your Bod Bucks account for all of your printing needs

University Theatre Department 

  • Current Washburn students, faculty, and staff are allowed free admission to Fall and Spring Semester performances.


  • Use your Bod Bucks account on select beverage and snack machines on campus. iCard readers are currently installed in the following buildings: Morgan, Garvey, Living Learning Center, Law School, Henderson, Benton, Washburn Village, Art, Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Lee Arena, and Stoffer.

Ichabod Shop

  • Use your Bod Buck account to purchase your books and supplies.

Student discounts

Receive these discounts by showing your iCard.

Ichabod's Grille logo

Ichabods Grille

  • 10% discount on Mondays

    8 boneless wings for $6.99 on Wednesdays

Jefferson's logo


  • 50 cent wings on Wednesday
Topeka Metro logo

Topeka Metro

  • Free to ride.

    Washburn is accessible on the Red and Green routes.

Washburn athletics logo

Washburn Athletics

  • Free admission
The Mix logo

The Mix

  • 20% off entire purchase.

    Cannot be combined with any other discount offers.

    The Mix is a women's clothing boutique located in Downtown Topeka across from the Cyrus Hotel. Find an outfit to get you career ready, date night, a cozy night in, or gameday!

Use the GET App!


Get easier access to your iCard with the new GET App available to students, faculty, and staff.

  • Deposit funds onto Bod Bucks Account
  • See your account balance & transactions
  • Report a misplaced iCard to freeze accounts*
  • Upload student id photo**

*Reporting an iCard lost in GET does not turn off door access.
**id Photos must meet the guidelines provided on the How to Get Your iCard page to be approved.

Questions or comments about this site may be directed to Gayla Sarkesian

¿Qué es una iCard?

La iCard de Washburn es la tarjeta de identificación oficial con foto de Washburn University y Washburn Tech. Todos los estudiantes, el personal y el cuerpo docente necesitan esta tarjeta cuando se les solicite que presente una identificación universitaria.

La iCard incluye la fotografía del titular de la tarjeta y el número de identificación oficial de Washburn (WIN). La primera tarjeta se emite de forma gratuita. Las tarjetas de reemplazo cuestan $15.00 por cada tarjeta.

Washburn University ofrece un campus de "una tarjeta". La iCard se usa para acceder a varios eventos y servicios de la Universidad, SRWC, circulación de la biblioteca, acceso a la puerta del Living Learning Center, Lincoln Dining y Washburn Village y para establecer cuentas de saldo decrecientes para las operaciones minoristas del campus.

Cuentas de saldos decrecientes disponibles:

La CUENTA DE DINING DOLLARS se utiliza para los establecimientos de comidas en el mercado de Stauffer Commons en la Union, Outtakes Corner Store, Study Grounds @Mabee Library, Lincoln Dining y Libation Station. Esta cuenta es parte del contrato de los estudiantes que tienen residencias en la Universidad.

La cuenta BOD BUCKS se utiliza en cualquier ubicación que acepte iCard: todos los puntos de servicio de comedor, lavandería en las residencias Washburn, University Mail and Printing Services, Ichabod Shop, copiadoras de biblioteca, Ichabod Service Center, máquinas expendedoras de bebidas y snack y concesiones atléticas. 

Agregue dinero a su cuenta de Bod Bucks en línea.

Las preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio pueden ser dirigidos a Gayla Sarkesian.

Where to use iCard can be found in Español

Declaración de la misión

El Centro de servicios de Ichabod proporcionará una forma de verificación de identificación estandarizada, conveniente y segura para proporcionar conexión y sentido de pertenencia a la comunidad de Washburn. La iCard tiene la capacidad de funcionar como una llave para acceder a una variedad de sistemas y servicios de la Universidad y funciona como una solución de campus de una sola tarjeta. Un personal dedicado y capacitado está enfocado en el cliente y comprometido con la búsqueda de usos nuevos y ampliados de la tarjeta mediante el avance de la tecnología.

Ichabod Service Center Mission

The Ichabod Service Center is to provide a standardized, convenient and secure form of ID verification in providing connection and sense of belonging to the Washburn community.  The iCard has the ability to function as a key to access a variety of University systems and services and work as a one card campus solution.  A dedicated and trained staff are customer focused and committed to seeking new and expanded uses of the card through advancing technology.

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