Teach high school or all grades
Washburn offers instruction and clinical experiences leading to P-12 licenses in physical education, music, art, and foreign language (Spanish and French). Instruction and clinical experiences leading to 6-12 licenses are offered in Biology, Chemistry, English/Language Arts, History and Government, and Mathematics. Candidates completing a P-12 or 6-12 license complete a major in their teaching disciplines. Upon completion of required course work, candidates receive a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in their subject major, with the exception being students majoring in music, art, or physical education. Music majors receive the Bachelor of Music, Art majors receive a BFA with Teaching Licensure, and physical education majors receive the Bachelor of Education.
Secondary Programs
Biology 6-12 (BA, BS or BEd degree)
Chemistry 6-12 (BA or BS degree)
English/Language Arts 6-12 (BA or BEd degree)
History and Government 6-12 (BA or BEd degree)
Mathematics 6-12 (BA, BS or BEd degree)
P-12 Programs
Art Education (BFA Degree)
Music Education (BM Degree)
Foreign Language - Spanish (BA Degree)
Foreign Language - French (BA Degree)
Physical Education (BEd Degree)