Substantial scholarships are available for study abroad for languages majors or minors with a 3.0 GPA. Scholarship applications must be turned in by February 15 of each year, please see the Study Abroad Opportunities page for more information.
Click here for the scholarship application.
The Modern Languages department offers tutoring in French and Spanish. If you need extra help with your homework feel free to contact the Modern Languages office for the current semester's tutoring schedule.
Language Clubs and Activities
French and Spanish Clubs offer a variety of activities for interested students. Check with the department office for information.
French and Spanish Tables
Each language has a conversation table open to everyone who wants to practice the language. Please check with the Modern Languages office for times and locations.
Modern Languages Advisor
New foreign language majors can contact an advisor through the department chair:
Dr. Miguel González-Abellásmiguel.gonzalez-abellas@washburn.eduMorgan Hall, Room 350B(785) 670.2015Or by emailing the department at modern-languages@washburn.edu .GET IN TOUCH WITH Department of Modern Languages
Department of Modern Languages
Morgan Hall, Room 350
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Phone: 785.670.1714