Library Committee Charge

The Committee makes recommendations and gives advice to the Director of the University Library on matters of library management and planning. Committee members provide liaison between the Library and the various departments and schools (excluding the Law School), and advise the Library in its collection development efforts.

Committee Members

  • Alan Bearman, Dean - University Library (Ex-officio)
  • Sean Bird, Associate Dean - University Library (Ex-officio)
  • Erinn Howard, Faculty - School of Nursing
  • Rob Hull, Faculty - School of Business
  • Kelly Thor, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Art
  • Paul Wagner, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Biology
  • Allan Ayala, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Chemistry
  • Joseph Kendall-Morwick, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Computer
  • Adebanke Adebayo, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Comm
  • Erin Chamberlain, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, English
  • Kerry Wynn, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, History
  • Yang Song, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, KN
  • Kristen Grimmer, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, MM
  • Kosman Rajapaksha, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Math
  • Helene Perriguey-Keene, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Modern Languages
  • Kelly Huff, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Music/Theatre
  • Ian Smith, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, PHRG
  • Brian Thomas, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Physics/Astronomy
  • Linsey Moddelmog, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Poli Sci
  • Julie Boydston, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, Psych
  • Laura Murphy, Faculty - College of Arts and Sciences, SOAN
  • Stephanie Sedlacek, Faculty - School of Applied Studies, AH
  • Brent Groves, Faculty - School of Applied Studies, CJLS
  • Bailey Gray, Faculty - School of Applied Studies, FHS
  • Serena Kent, Faculty - School of Applied Studies, SW
  • Tracie Lutz, Faculty - School of Applied Studies, ED
  • Joey Kendall-Morwick, Faculty Senate Representative
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