Academic Affairs Committee Charge

The Academic Affairs Committee is charged with evaluating carefully and making recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding new undergraduate programs and major revisions to programs proposed by any Major Academic unit of the University. The primary concern of the committee shall be consistency of the proposed program with applicable University-wide guidelines and regulations, potential impact of the program on other established programs in the University, and financial implications of such new or revised programs. The Executive Committee may also delegate other matters to this committee.

Meeting Dates

Time: 3 - 4 p.m.
Location: Lincoln Room of Memorial Union

  • Monday, September 9 (cancelled)
  • Monday, September 23
  • Monday, October 7
  • Monday, October 28
  • Monday, November 11
  • Monday, November 25
  • Monday, February 3
  • Monday, February 17 (held in the BTAC Forum room)
  • Monday, March 3
  • Monday, March 31
  • Monday, April 14

  • Beth O'Neill, Asst Provost - Academic Affairs (Ex-Officio)
  • Stephanie Lanning - University Registrar (Ex-Officio)
  • Holly Broxterman - Academic Affairs (Ex-Officio)
  • Hillary Lolley - School of Applied Studies
  • Jim Schnoebelen - College of Arts and Sciences
  • Tracy Davies - School of Nursing
  • Michelle Heusi - School of Nursing
  • Sarah Cook - College of Arts and Sciences
  • Sarah Holt - University Libraries
  • Barbara Scofield - School of Business
  • Dion Harnowo - School of Business
  • Cherry Steffen - School of Applied Studies
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