1. Register
- If you haven’t already, register for Duo by following directions here: PDF Instructions for enrolling in DUO
2. Choose Authentication
- When attempting to authenticate to a Duo-protected resource (EXCEPT VPN – see below for more info), you will be prompted to authenticate with Duo.
- Click Enter a Passcode.
3. Click button on FOB/Token
- Push the button on the provided hardware token/Duo FOB to generate a Passcode.
5. Click 'log in'
- Click on Log In
- At this point, you should be authorized to use the resource. Done!
- If you have any questions, please contact ITS User Services at 785-670-3000 or email support@washburn.edu.
How to Log Into VPN Using a Duo Hardware Token/FOB
1. Register & Install
- If you haven’t already, register for Duo and install GlobalProtect VPN client by following directions here: https://washburn.edu/its/vpn.html
2. Use email as username
- When logging into the GlobalProtect VPN client, enter your Washburn email (lastname@washburn.edu) into the Username field as you normally would.

3. Enter Password
- In the Password field, enter your password, a comma, then the passcode generated on your token by pressing the green button.
- Examples: "mypass123,123456" or "mypass123,728292" – without the quotes, no spaces.
4. Sign In
- Hit the Enter button or click on Sign In.
- If you have any questions, please contact ITS User Services at 785-670-3000 or email support@washburn.edu.
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