LibChat@WU is used in the same way as other programs that provide chat (also known as instant messaging) services, but LibChat@WU is used specifically to communicate with a reference librarian at the University Library.
What are the hours for the LibChat@WU service?
Library Chat is available
Monday - Friday during library hours
Will a librarian answer right away or will I have to wait?
Your chat session connects you with the librarian at the Reference Desk. Because the librarian may also be helping users in person and on the phone, you may have to wait a couple of minutes for a response. Questions are answered in the order received.
How can I tell if a librarian is available to chat?
Be sure to note our status on the chat widget. If you don’t get an immediate reply, call (785) 670-2485, send an email to, or stop by the Reference Desk.
Who may use this service?
The service is available to Washburn University students, faculty, and staff, or individuals requesting information about resources unique to Washburn University.
What types of questions can I ask?
This service is intended to offer assistance using the library and its resources. It works most efficiently when patrons ask factual or brief research questions.
Can you send me a file (e.g. a full-text article)?
We cannot send files to you via the chat service, but we can include links to articles or Web pages in messages. You can also upload files via the chat if you need to send us a file (e.g. a screenshot or reference source).
Does the library save my chat messages?
The Library temporarily stores instant messages in order to compile statistics and write reports. All personal information is stripped from instant messages before they are archived.
What are your privacy policies?
The same privacy policies that apply to other reference transactions (e.g. e-mail, phone, at the reference desk) apply to the LibChat@WU Reference service.
Code of Conduct
Repeated misuse of this service will result in the patron being banned from further use of this service.