Emergency loans available if you have a temporary need for funds
Emergency loans are available if you experience an emergency and have a temporary need for funds. An emergency is defined as an unexpected need that could not have been reasonably foreseen. If you request an emergency loan, you must be able to repay it from personal funds within 30 days. Normally, loan amounts are from $200 to $350. In rare occasions, we can loan up to $500 if the emergency merits the higher amount and the student has sufficient monthly income to repay on time as well as a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Complete the emergency loan application and submit it in person to the Business Office (Morgan Hall 103) or scan and email it to business-office@washburn.edu.
Guidelines for applying for emergency loans
- You must have a Washburn University cumulative GPA of a minimum 2.0 (may require higher GPA for larger loans).
- You must not have defaulted on a previous emergency loan.
- You must not have already received an emergency loan for the current academic term.
- You must be enrolled in the current term.
- Emergency loans are available only when classes are in session. No loans are issued between terms.
- Emergency loans are recorded as an additional charge on the student account and cannot be used to pay charges due to Washburn University.
- The emergency loan request must be for an emergency, as defined above. Rent, for example, is not an emergency because it is recurring and expected.
- The Business Office reserves the right to require documentation substantiating the nature of the emergency.
- If the application is scanned and sent to the Business Office via email, the image received must be clear when printed or viewed electronically. Poor quality images must be resubmitted, or the paperwork delivered in person to the Business Office in Morgan 103.
Due dates, fees and School of Law students
Emergency loans are due and payable in full within 30 days of the date granted. Emergency loans not fully repaid by the due date will result in a $25 late fee and a hold being placed on the student account.
Payments returned for insufficient funds are subject to a $30 service charge, in addition to the late fee and hold on the student account.
Law students must submit applications to the School of Law. Some of the terms may slightly differ from those stated above. Information about law school emergency loans is available on the School of Law website.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Business Office
Washburn University Business Office
Morgan Hall 103
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email