This policy for conflict of interest and standards of conduct is adopted to ensure University business is conducted fairly and impartially and that confidence in the University is maintained by its many constituents.
.2. Standards of Conduct
Employees and others acting for and/or on behalf of the University shall conduct themselves in an ethical manner, beyond reproach, exemplifying the principles of professionalism, honesty, trustworthiness, respect, and accountability.
.3 Conflict of Interest
No employee or other person acting for or on behalf of the University shall engage in any activity which is in conflict with, or appears to be in apparent conflict with, the interests of the University in dealing with any person or entity having or seeking to have any relationship with the University. A conflict of interest may arise in any situation in which an individual compromises or appears to compromise such individual's judgment in the performance of his/her duties in a manner that could lead, directly or indirectly, to the financial or personal gain of the individual, his/her family or others with whom the individual has a personal or business relationship or give improper advantage to others to the detriment of the University. A conflict of interest typically involves any situation in which an individual exploits her or his position for personal or financial gain or for the benefit of others. All persons involved in projects receiving federal funds shall review and comply with applicable federal laws, regulations and/or federal agency conflict of interest policies.
.4 Supervisor's Role
Each supervisor shall ensure all persons acting for or on behalf of the University under his or her supervision are familiar with this policy and with the policies and procedural requirements of his/her position.
.5 Disclosure
Each person acting for or on behalf of the University shall promptly and fully disclose any conflict, or potential conflict, of interest she or he has or may have individually, as a family member or through other relationship with others and refrain from participating in any matter to which the conflict pertains until the conflict has been resolved in the best interests of the University. Certain designated employees of the University shall, on an annual basis, make a disclosure of all business interests, affiliations, or relationships which could reasonably give rise to a conflict of interest, or an apparent conflict of interest with the University.
.6 Disciplinary Action
Violations of this policy by an employee shall subject such person to disciplinary action resulting in a sanction which may range from verbal counseling to reprimand to suspension or termination from employment.
.7 Enforcement
Enforcement of this policy is the ultimate responsibility of the President who may delegate authority for enforcement to other University officials.
Conflict of Interest Regulations and Procedures
Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
1) Added to the Faculty Handbook in May, 2005, following November, 2004 Board approval of the policy.