I. Faculty Teaching Load
II. Employment Outside the University
III. Summer Session Employment
IV. Overload Employment
V. Adjunct and Part-Time Faculty
VI. Benefits
VII. Faculty Tuition and Fee Waivers
VIII. Faculty Travel
IX. Reprints of Scholarly Articles
X. Research Support
XI. Leaves
XI.A. Leave Without Pay
XI.B. Intergovernmental Exchange
XI.C. Academic Sabbatical Leave
XI.D. Sweet Summer Sabbatical
XI.E. Mabel Kline Law Sabbatical Leave Fund
XII. Voluntary Phased Retirement
History of Changes to Section Five
A. General Policy
The individual faculty member's load is determined through consultation of department chairpersons, the Dean, and the faculty member. A normal undergraduate load is considered to be twenty-four equated hours per year. In certain situations, particularly relating to graduate teaching loads, Deans, working with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, may determine alternate teaching expectations taking into account issues such as overall staffing levels, new program development, curricular revision, accreditation needs, scholarly pursuits and grant opportunities, and budgets. Reduction of teaching loads for department chairpersons and for others who have responsibility for the direction of extracurricular or administrative activities, provided that such activities are considered to be a part of the teacher's regular assignment, is determined by the Dean of the major academic unit and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. (See Section Five I.C.). Should circumstances necessitate deviation from the normal load, adjustment will be made in the teaching assignment in future semesters.
These regulations apply to the regular load for which a basic salary is paid, but do not apply where an overload assignment is authorized for extra compensation.
B. Evening Courses
As an integral part of their teaching load, members of the full-time faculty are expected to teach evening courses that are part of the program of the department or school of which he/she is a member. Appropriate consideration, where possible, will be given to the schedules of faculty members who are to teach both day and evening so that the total load is a reasonable one.
C. Guidelines for Undergraduate Faculty Loads
The following guidelines are used in determining equated faculty loads for undergraduate faculty.
1. Laboratory Courses
a. One equated hour for each hour of class lecture
b. Three-fourths equated hour for each hour of laboratory
2. Courses Meeting at the Same Time
a. Art Studio Workshop: Divide the total student credit hours by 25
b. Other: Two or more courses meeting together will have the equated load
determined by the department chairperson and the Dean
3. Music
a. Music Private Lessons: one-third equated hour for every one student credit hour
b. Band, Orchestra, Choir: three equated hours
c. Record Library: one equated hour
d. Other Ensembles: treated as laboratory -- Jazz Workshop, Saxophone Quartet, Woodwinds Quartet, Clarinet Choir, Strings Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble
4. Supervision
a. Supervised Teaching: one equated hour for every 2 1/2 students/P>
b. Field Supervision: for practica, internships, and field work on the following schedule:
1) One student equated 1/2
2) Two students or three students equated 1
3) Four to seven students equated 2
4) Eight to twelve students equated 3
5) Thirteen to fifteen equated 4
5. Physical Education
a. Activity Course: one equated hour for each listed hour of credit
b. Coaching by contractual arrangement
6. Miscellaneous
a. Honors work, independent study, special problems, and directed readings
1) One-half equated hour for each student up to the maximum of the listed course credit
b. Classes of six or fewer students: one-half equated hour for each student up
to the maximum of the listed course credit
c. Classes of over 100: load determined by arrangements with the department
chairperson and the Dean
d. Faculty research: by arrangement with the department chairperson or Dean
e. Team teaching in sequence: each team member will receive that proportion
of the course credit that he/she teaches, e.g., if he/she teaches 1/3 of a 3
hour course, he/she will receive one equated hour of credit (for those
courses in which the instructor attends only those classes he/she teaches)
f. Team teaching taught jointly, i.e., each instructor attends all classes:
(N + 4) x C
4 N
where C is the listed course credit and N is the number of professors
teaching the course.
g. Advisor to Student Publications: five equated hours per semester
h. Theater Production: six equated hours per semester
i. Forensics Coach: three equated hours per semester
II. Employment Outside the University
Full-time faculty members may engage in a reasonable amount of compensated work outside the University as long as the work does not interfere with the effective discharge of the faculty member’s University duties. Before accepting a position or performing any compensated work outside the University which has the potential to conflict with expected work hours, use significant university resources, or create a conflict of interest, a faculty member must notify his/her department chairperson and/or the Dean of the appropriate school or college of the nature of the assignment and an estimate of the amount of time to be spent in the outside activity. The member must receive approval in writing from the Dean of the Major Academic Unit and the Vice President for Academic Affairs before such work can be conducted. Short-term engagements for which a small amount of compensation is received do not constitute compensated work. All compensated work must be reported on the faculty member’s
conflict of interest form.
As relates to teaching, in accordance with the WUPRPM Section 5.5.2, full-time faculty members are prohibited from serving in a teaching capacity, with or without compensation, on a full-time or part-time basis with another higher education institution without the advance approval of the Major Academic Unit Dean, which may not be unreasonably denied.
III. Summer Session Employment
Contracts for summer employment for faculty members from all major academic units are made upon the recommendation of the Dean and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Contracts are approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and distributed by the Dean's offices. Faculty rates for the Summer Session are established by action of the Board of Regents.
A. Salary Schedule for Summer Faculty
- Salary Ranges (all Ranks) up to 20% of base salary for full load (6 hrs.)
- Emeriti Faculty up to maximum rate per credit hour for adjunct faculty as set by the Board of Regents
- Specific rates will be determined by rank, discipline and qualifications of individual summer faculty member.
It is University policy that personnel exempt from the Wage and Hour Regulations who are twelve-month full-time employees can be remunerated beyond their basic employment contract only under certain circumstances. (See Washburn University Policies and Recruitment Procedures Manual for details.) Faculty who are on less than a twelve-month full-time contract can be employed on an incidental and occasional basis only when such employment does not conflict with their basic employment and the employment is approved in advance by the department chairperson, area head and President. Teaching overload pay is authorized only when additional class sections are needed and a qualified adjunct faculty member is unavailable. The compensation will be up to 3 1/3% of the base salary per credit hour.
V. Adjunct and Part-Time Faculty
Salaries of adjunct and part-time faculty are determined as follows:
A. "Adjunct Faculty" means an individual appointed on a semester basis to teach not more than one-half of the normal faculty load for regular faculty in the particular academic program and for the semester or session employed. The salary will be based on the number of credit hours taught. The specific rate per credit hour for each individual will be determined by the rank, discipline and qualifications of the individual. The salary range for adjunct faculty is set by the Board of Regents.
B. "Part-time Faculty" means an individual appointed either on a semester or an academic year basis to teach not less than one-half, but not more than one hundred percent (100%), of the normal faculty load for regular faculty in the particular academic program and for the period employed and who is to assume advising assignments, maintain office hours, and may be requested to serve on a faculty committee. Salaries of part-time faculty are negotiated and are consistent with the individual's educational background, experience and academic rank.
Persons employed as "Adjunct Faculty" do not qualify for participation in the Retirement Program outlined in the following benefits section.
C. Statement on Use and Minimum Qualifications of Adjunct Faculty
Washburn University recognizes and values the essential contributions adjunct faculty make to its academic programs. In some instances, the special expertise and experience of adjunct faculty complements that of the regular faculty in ways that provide educational opportunities to students they would not have otherwise. In other instances, adjunct faculty enhance the academic experience of students by making it possible to offer more sections of courses, resulting in smaller classes and more individual attention. In all instances programs are improved by and students benefit from the efforts of adjunct faculty.
Because adjunct faculty are valuable, maintaining a high quality corps of such faculty is extremely important. Washburn has maintained such a corps through the leadership of academic deans and department chairs. These academic leaders insure that adjunct faculty have appropriate educational and other related credentials for the courses they teach, and monitor the quality of instruction given by these faculty.
(Based on HLC Assumed Practices and Washburn existing practices) Faculty must possess an academic degree relevant to the discipline/field they are teaching and must be at least one level of education above the level of education they teach, except in programs for terminal degrees or when equivalent experience is established. Additional qualifications may be required and will be determined as appropriate by academic discipline or unit. In terminal degree programs, faculty members possess the same level of degree. If a faculty member holds a master’s degree or higher in a related discipline or subfield other than that in which he or she is teaching, that faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline or subfield in which they teach.
Qualified faculty members are identified primarily by credentials, but other factors, including but not limited to equivalent experience, may be considered in determining whether a faculty member is qualified. For accredited programs, when faculty members are employed based on equivalent experience, professional experience (work/clinical experience) is defined by the specialized accreditation organization. For programs without specialized accreditation, professional experience is defined by the individual college or school but can be no less than a minimum of three years full-time work or employment in the field directly related to the area of instruction. In some specialized courses, a specialty license may be substituted for the experience requirement. Justification submitted for professional experience equivalence must include how the course instructor meets or exceeds the academic requirements for the course(s) to be taught. Exceptions to the academic credential must always be approved in writing by the academic dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs before the individual will be allowed to teach at Washburn University.
Department chairs and deans evaluate and assist in improving the quality of instruction delivered by requiring that student evaluations be given in each section taught by adjunct faculty. The department chair or dean regularly reviews the results of the evaluations with each adjunct faculty member. Personal observation by the dean, department chair or other regular faculty members is also strongly encouraged.
To maintain a reasonable balance in instruction between regular faculty and adjunct faculty, the University has historically attempted to keep the percentage of courses taught by adjuncts to 30% or less.
The Human Resources web page contains the complete list of faculty benefits and the corresponding details.
VII. Faculty Tuition and Fee Waivers
A. Fee Waiver
Regular employees of Washburn University who have an employment contract and work 50%, or more time, during the fiscal year are eligible to request a waiver of the University Fee and the Student Activity Fee. Students who are on a Student Employment Contract at Washburn University must pay the appropriate tuition and fees including the University Fee and the Student Activity and are not eligible for waiver request.
Washburn University employees who enroll at Washburn may request a waiver from payment of the University Fee and Student Activity Fee by completing the Fee Waiver form and presenting the completed form to the University Controller two weeks prior to the scheduled date and time of enrollment. The Controller will ascertain whether the applicant is eligible for the Fee Waiver and, if the applicant is eligible, will inform appropriate personnel involved in the enrollment process. The Controller will inform the employee of the procedures to follow in the enrollment process so that the fees are waived.
B. Faculty Spouse and Minor Children Tuition
The Treasurer is authorized to waive the residence requirement for the spouse and minor children, if living with family, for new faculty members on the full-time faculty or staff for tuition purposes and who are on an annual contract.
C. Educational Assistance Program
Information about this and other benefit related programs may be found within the benefits section of the Washburn University Policies, Regulations, and Procedures Manual (WUPRPM).
D. Tuition Waiver for Children of Faculty and Staff
Dependent children (as defined in the Internal Revenue Code at 26 USC 152(a) (1)&(2)) of a full-time faculty or staff member of Washburn University or the Washburn University Foundation (WUF) shall receive a waiver of 50% of the tuition and fees applicable to their Washburn enrollment.
Dependent children of a full-time faculty or staff member who has: (a) retired from Washburn University or WUF; (b) become disabled while such an employee; (c) or died while in such employment shall receive a waiver of 50% of the tuition and fees applicable to their Washburn enrollment. The waiver is applicable to Washburn undergraduate courses only.
Dependent children (as defined at 26 USC 152 (a)(1) & (2)) of a faculty or staff member of Washburn University or WUF who is employed at least half-time but less than full-time shall receive a waiver of 25% of the tuition and fees applicable to their Washburn enrollment.
Dependent children of a faculty or staff member who was employed at least half-time but less than full-time by Washburn University or WUF, and who has: (a) retired from such employment; (b) become disabled while such an employee: or, (c) died while in such employment shall receive a waiver of 25% of the tuition and fees applicable to their Washburn enrollment. The waiver is applicable to Washburn undergraduate courses only.
Eligibility -
1.) Complete Washburn University Admission Process
2.) Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00
3.) Document dependent relationship to faculty/staff member
Financial Aid -
The waiver will be reflected in the cost of attendance used for calculation of need for Federal Financial Aid eligibility.
The University encourages faculty attendance at regional and national professional meetings. It urges participation of faculty members in the presentation of papers and as elected officers in professional associations. Guidelines are established by the Deans of the major academic units and vary from year to year depending on budget allocation. The Deans will indicate the policy early in the academic year.
For details of Washburn travel procedures, see the WUPRP Manual .
IX. Reprints of Scholarly Articles
The University assists faculty and staff members in the purchase and distribution of reprints of scholarly articles when such purchase and distribution serve the purposes of the University, are recommended by the Research Committee, and are approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Application for reimbursement is made through the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office.
Two types of research grants are administered by the Research Committee. Smaller grants are awarded to assist in preparing papers, purchasing reprints, and providing other services connected with research. Larger grants support requests for (1) developing ideas or projects that are to be submitted to other agencies for more extensive funding, and (2) funding either in full or in part original research or scholarly activity.
For additional details, see the description of the Research Committee, Section One.VII.C.1.
Applications for such support should be made to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who serves as the chairperson of the Committee on Research.
The Board of Regents may grant a faculty member a leave without pay for a period not to exceed one year (two consecutive academic semesters) for the faculty member to continue graduate work or engage in other professional activity or for other purposes approved by the appropriate Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Continuation of the leave without pay may be granted on an annual basis with the approval of the appropriate Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Board of Regents. Approval for both the initial leave request and for any request for continuation of such leave shall be granted only if there is a determination that the continuation of leave is in the best interest of the University. Determination if the continuation of leave is in the best interest of the University shall include considering the following:
*Department's ability to accommodate the continued leave without pay without loss of program integrity and without placing undue burden on other Employees;
*Extent of the financial impact on the University; and
*Impact on the University's ability to complete its mission and to fulfill its obligations.
The faculty member must request the continuation no later than the beginning of the last semester of the leave. Application for a leave without pay may be granted by the Board only after receiving the recommendations, through the President, of the Department Chair/Dean of the affected major academic unit and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. At the time leave is granted, the Board shall determine whether the period of leave without pay shall be credited towards the length of service requirements of the faculty member for promotion and/or tenure. Upon expiration of leave, the returning faculty member shall receive his/her class and office assignments from his/her Department Chair/Dean. The Department Chair/Dean shall also make a recommendation for the salary of the faculty member in the normal budgeting process. The recommendation for salary shall take into consideration salary increments to which such faculty would have otherwise been entitled had she/he not been in a leave without pay status.
The Board of Regents may authorize the exchange of Washburn University of Topeka employees to another governmental entity in the State of Kansas as provided by K.S.A. 75-4401 et. seq. Employees who participate in an intergovernmental exchange of personnel shall be considered during such participation to be in the status of leave without pay. Application for participation in an intergovernmental exchange of personnel shall be initiated and awarded in the same manner as a leave without pay.
The Academic Sabbatical Leave Program at Washburn University is designed to allow faculty members the opportunity for research and study, which will enable them to enrich substantially their teaching effectiveness and/or engage in a substantial scholarly project. Faculty are not required to engage in their university, school, and departmental obligations during the sabbatical leave. Faculty members may use academic sabbatical leave to develop expertise outside their own academic discipline for the purpose of enhancing teaching abilities. The program is not designed for study programs leading to terminal degrees required for promotion and tenure. The maximum number of sabbaticals granted in a particular year shall be equal to 4% of the full-time eligible faculty, excluding the Law faculty. Exceptions may be made by the Board of Regents if a larger number of well-qualified applications are received immediately following a year in which the limit was not reached. The number of sabbaticals that may be granted to Law faculty shall be determined by the Dean and the VPAA based on the School of Law budget and the needs of the Law School. Leaves are not awarded automatically, however, but are evaluated according to the merits of the proposals submitted. The Academic Sabbatical Committee shall give to unsuccessful applicants a brief narrative outlining the strengths and weaknesses of their sabbatical proposals.
1. Eligibility and Frequency
a. Only faculty members who have been considered full-time faculty at Washburn University for at least the six years preceding the date of application shall be considered eligible.
b. Once a faculty member receives a leave he/she may apply for another academic sabbatical in his/her sixth additional year of full-time service.
c. If a faculty member is awarded an academic sabbatical leave and then fails to use it without just cause, he/she will lose the opportunity to apply for another three years. Just cause would include failure of funding required for the proposal, unsuccessful candidacy for grants such as Fulbright, Mellon, McArthur, etc., which was a component of the candidate's sabbatical proposal, serious illness in the family, or other excusable emergency as determined by the Sabbatical Committee.
d. If a faculty member is recommended for but is not awarded an academic sabbatical leave grant due to the inconvenience to the University as determined by the Dean of the respective school or college, the faculty member will be allowed to take the academic sabbatical leave the next year with no diminution of number of leaves available that year.
2. Terms
a. A faculty member taking an Academic Sabbatical Leave shall:
1) Choose to have a leave for one semester at full pay or choose to have a leave for a full year at one-half pay of the salary budgeted for his/her position for the academic year of the sabbatical;
2) Have TIAA-CREF, group health, group life and disability insurance remain in effect during the period of leave;
3) Have salary increments for the next year equal to what one would customarily expect for the position; and
4) Have the time of the academic sabbatical leave credited toward promotion.
3. Restrictions
a. A faculty member accepting an academic sabbatical leave must:
1) Return to full-time service at Washburn University for the academic year immediately following the academic year in which the leave is taken.
2) Not accept other employment during the sabbatical period unless the position is part of the research or study program outlined in the leave proposal. Accepting grants such as Fulbright, Mellon, McArthur, etc., is not considered accepting employment.
A faculty member violating either 1) of 2) above must repay the salary and value fringe benefits received during the academic sabbatical leave.
b. Grants normally will be made only if no full-time faculty replacement is required. To support the leave, course offerings may be reduced, delayed, or assigned to other members of the academic unit with their consent for one semester. Adjunct faculty may be used to help meet a portion of the course assignments. If the whole year is opted, adjunct instructors will be used up to the extent of one-half the salary of the grantee.
4. Application Procedure
The applicant must complete the form designated by the Academic Sabbatical Committee and available from the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. The completed form must be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on the designated date of the year preceding the academic year during which the academic sabbatical leave would be taken.
The application should contain a written description of the type of study to be undertaken or work to be done in terms understandable to persons not specialists in the applicant's academic discipline. The proposed dates of the academic sabbatical leave should be included along with costs and other anticipated sources of support.
a. Value of the project. The applicant should demonstrate that the project will either:
1) enable the applicant to produce or to make substantial progress toward producing significant scholarly work or
2) substantially enhance the applicant's teaching effectiveness by increasing his/her body of knowledge or skills.
b. Evidence which effectively demonstrates the value of the project might be, but is not limited to:
1) the work contemplated will be of high quality, will contribute to an academic field and is likely to be completed successfully;
2) the project contemplated will enable the applicant to assume additional courses of study to be taught;
3) the project will directly benefit the University.
c. Why leave justified. The applicant should explain why the scope, nature, or location of the project makes it difficult or impossible to carry out as part of the normal activity expected of Washburn University full-time faculty.
5. Grant Approval
Approval of academic sabbatical leave shall be made by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the President. The President receives a recommendation from the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who receives a recommendation from the Academic Sabbatical Committee. Leaves are granted by action of the Board of Regents. The number of sabbaticals lies in the discretion of the Board of Regents.
6. Academic Sabbatical Leave Report
The faculty members shall submit a written report to the Dean of his/her school or college, with a copy to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for faculty records, no later than ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the academic sabbatical leave.
7. Standards and Procedures for Law Faculty Sabbatical Applications and Approvals
a. Requirements for application
Any member of the law faculty who has served six years as a full-time faculty member at Washburn and who has not received a sabbatical grant within the past six years may apply. Application must be made on the appropriate university form and submitted to the Office of the Dean of the Law School no later than November 1 of the year prior to the academic year during which the sabbatical will be taken.
While the normal sabbatical project will be a program of research leading to a substantial written report of high quality, the law school committee and the university committee will consider other programs of self-enhancement and creative activity as acceptable. Such programs, however, may not include study leading to the granting of an academic degree.
The typed application must contain a detailed description of the proposed sabbatical project and include the following information.
i. The reasons why the project will be of value and interest to the legal profession or to a law professor.
ii. The ways in which the project will enhance the professional growth of the applicant, by improving himself or herself as a teacher, or by developing his or her expertise.
iii. The past experience of the applicant in research, publication, or other activity that would indicate (a) the quality of any writing likely to be done and (b) the probability that the project will be completed.
iv. The scope, nature, or location of the project that prevents it being done as the normal activity every faculty member is expected to do as a part of his or her contract obligations.
Only applications for sabbaticals which meet these requirements will be forwarded with a favorable endorsement to the university for consideration.
b. Law School procedure for evaluating applications
i. There shall be a Sabbatical Committee of the Law School Faculty composed of three tenured faculty. Each member shall serve a three year term. A new member will be appointed each year so that there will be overlapping terms to provide continuity of experience and standards. At least two members shall have been past recipients of a sabbatical grant.
ii. This committee shall meet in November of each year to consider all applications for sabbatical grants received by the Dean's Office prior to November 1st and shall file their report no later than November 21.
iii. The committee shall decide first whether the application meets the requirement of Section A.
iv. In the event that more than one application is to be forwarded with favorable endorsement to the university, the committee will rank the applications from that one most highly recommended. Such report shall identify the committee's reasons for the ranking, including the committee's evaluation of the following factors:
(a) Relative value of the proposed project to the legal profession.
(b) Relative enhancement of each applicant's teaching and professional expertise.
(c) Relative likelihood, based on past research, publications and other activities that each applicant will do high quality work and will complete the project.
(d) Relative value of any other reasons submitted for the sabbatical program.
(e) In the event that two projects are ranked about equally on the preceding criteria, the project of the more senior faculty person or the one who has served longest since having a sabbatical grant will be ranked higher.
v. The report of the Faculty Sabbatical Committee shall be forwarded with the Dean's Recommendation to the University Committee.
Through the generosity of the late Mary B. Sweet, the Washburn Endowment Association has established a summer sabbatical grant program for Washburn University faculty.
"The purpose of the 'Summer Faculty Grant' is to further the education and training of the recipients in their individual capacity by enabling the recipient to study a subject of his own choice at some university outside the state of Kansas. Study, however, may consist of travel if a definite design is in view by way of the training and educational development of the recipient." (Mary B. Sweet, 1958)
The most pertinent requirements provide:
1. That the recipients of the awards be full-time university employees with the rank of lecturer, senior lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor or professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, the School of Nursing, the School of Applied Studies, or a full-time librarian who is not a member of the Law School faculty who has completed a minimum of three years of full-time service.
2. That the income be used for faculty summer grants consistent with the purpose of the "Summer Faculty Grant' as stated above. Additional eligibility and award criteria are listed in the Application Guidelines.
3. That the recipients' study, work or travel be outside the State of Kansas for at least 30 consecutive days between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of the fall semester.
4. That applicants may receive Sweet Summer Sabbatical awards no more than twice in any four-year period. However, the selection committee may consider the recency and size of previous awards in considering the relative merits of proposals.
Applications are due in the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs on a designated date not earlier than November 1 prior to the summer sabbatical from the applicant's department chair (when applicable) and dean.
Applications received by the Vice President will be referred to the Sweet Summer Sabbatical Committee for its recommendation concerning (1) which proposals are to be funded based on the criteria established and (2) the amount of each grant. Subsequent to the Sabbatical Committee's recommendations, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will make a recommendation to the Washburn Endowment Association. The Washburn Endowment Association will make final funding decisions.
The Washburn Endowment Association will make all award payments directly to the recipient. The recipients are not employees of the Washburn Endowment Association. The Washburn Endowment Association will provide the recipient the required copy of the IRS form submitted to federal and state taxing authorities.
Recipients of Sweet Sabbatical awards are required to submit a written report with the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs no later than the end of September of the year the award was received. That report will specify the general activities of each day of the sabbatical.
E. Mabel Kline Law Sabbatical Leave Fund
Washburn College established the George A Kline and Mabel Kline Memorial Endowment Fund from a bequest received from Mabel Kline. A part of the net income from the fund is to be used for a Sabbatical Leave Fund for School of Law Faculty.
1. A few of the more pertinent facts regarding this Sabbatical Leave Fund are:
a. That the candidates be chosen from full-time instructors in the School of Law on tenure. (This includes the Dean and the law librarians provided they are full-time members of the faculty on tenure.)
b. That the grants be awarded in rotation according to the longest full-time service in the Washburn School of Law.
c. That the income be used for Faculty summer grants.
d. That "the number of grants awarded any summer will depend upon the amount of interest received that year...". (For practical purposes, the annual income is used for one sabbatical each summer.)
e. That the recipient study in some university outside of Kansas or if study includes travel, there be some definite report on return to the School of Law faculty in a verbal request.
f. That the grant implies return to Washburn for the next academic year or refund of the grant.
g. That in case a candidate is unable to use the grant when his/her turn comes, the name may head the list for the next summer.
2. The grants represent compensation to the recipient which is included in the gross income and subject to the with-holding of income tax. An application form available in the Dean's Office is to be prepared by the applicant and submitted to the Dean of the School of Law, who in turn forwards it with recommendation to the President of the University. The President submits the application to the Finance Committee of Washburn College for action. The Finance Committee of Washburn College serves as the awarding and policy-determining committee.
3. The faculty member shall submit a written report to the Dean of the Law School, with a copy to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for faculty records, no later than ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the Mabel Kline Law Sabbatical leave.
XII. Voluntary Phased Retirement
On February 18, 1998, the Washburn University Board of Regents approved the following phased retirement program:
The Voluntary Phased Retirement Program permits eligible employees to reduce their workload in preparation for full retirement from Washburn University. When approved for the program, pursuant to written agreement, the employee's appointment with the University is reduced and her/his salary is also proportionately reduced from her/his full-time salary. The employee receives employer-paid benefits based on her/his full-time salary.
Who is Eligible for Phased Retirement?
Any employee in a benefits-eligible position who has completed at least ten (10) years of full-time service shall be eligible to participate in the Phased Retirement Program upon reaching 55 years of age.
How is Participation in the Program Requested and Approved?
The employee shall submit a letter to her/his supervisor. If entry into the agreement is in the best interest of Washburn University, the supervisor shall forward the proposed agreement through normal channels to the President, and then to the Washburn Board of Regents for consideration.
How Long can an Employee Participate in the Program?
The maximum length of a phased retirement agreement shall be five (5) years. By entering into the agreement, the participating employee agrees to retire from Washburn University at the expiration of the agreement.
What is in the Phased Retirement Agreement?
Each phased retirement agreement shall specify:
1) the fractional time appointment (from 25% to 75% of their full time teaching or administrative load) to be served as mutually agreed upon by the University, through the Board of Regents, and the employee. Duties may be divided throughout each fiscal year as agreed to by these parties;
2) that the agreement concerning the fractional time appointment or assignment of duties may be modified by mutual agreement;
3) the initial salary to be paid for the fractional time appointment;
4) the full-time benefits to be enjoyed by the employee;
5) the duration of the agreement, which shall not exceed five (5) years, and the date of full retirement.
Benefits under the Program
While participating in the program, the employee continues to receive the following benefits:
1) the same health care benefits as "full-time" employees;
2) life insurance and disability benefit based on actual salary;
3) sick leave and personal leave (if eligible) based on fractional time appointment
4) employer's contributions to the Retirement Plan based on full-time salary;
5) the employee may contribute to the Retirement Plan and to Supplemental Retirement Annuity Program to the extent permitted by federal regulations;
6) for tenured members, retention of tenure;
7) continued full use of university facilities;
8) continued eligibility for annual salary increases; and,
9) holiday pay (if eligible) based on the fractional time appointment.
The employee is also eligible to participate in other voluntary benefit programs available to unclassified employees including, but not limited to, the educational assistance program and the cafeteria plan.
1) Participants in the Phased Retirement Program may partially annuitize their Retirement Plan.
2) Funding for the program will come from the existing salary base.
3) Regulations of the Board of Regents shall be used and followed relative to operation and implementation of the program.
4) An appointment under a phased retirement agreement must be at least 25% but no more than 75% of the employee's full time load.
5) Entry into a phased retirement agreement shall be voluntary on the part of Washburn University. Washburn University shall refuse to enter into the agreement when it is not in the best interests of the institution. Considerations that would affect the University's best interests include:
(a) the ability of a department, school, or area to accommodate the partial retirement without loss of program integrity and without placing an undue burden on other employees
(b) the extent of the financial impact that the partial retirement would have on the University
c) the impact that the partial retirement would have on the University's ability to complete its mission and to fulfill its obligations to its students and communities.
6) The agreement may be rescinded within seven (7) days of the signature at the option of the employee. After that time, the agreement shall be irrevocable, except that it may be rescinded by mutual agreement of the University and the employee.
7) The agreement may, by mutual consent, be modified by changing the participant's fractional time appointment prior to the specified date of retirement or permitting the employee to take full retirement at an earlier date.
8) Employees who have retired at the end of their agreement shall not be precluded from re-employment on a post-retirement basis as a result of accepting a phased retirement agreement.
9) The phased retirement agreement entered into shall have a non-competition clause prohibiting employment of a phased retiree at a post-secondary education entity providing services in the state of Kansas.
10) This program shall undergo review for re-authorization, the initial period of which shall be in effect for three years beginning July 1, 1998 and ending June 30, 2001. Specific Board approval will be required to renew this program.
History of Changes to Section Five
11 September 1997Part V.C., "Statement on Use and Qualifications of Adjunct Faculty" was added. This statement was approved by the University Council on 2/13/97.
18 June 1999
Part XI, "Voluntary Phased Retirement" was added. This policy was adopted by the Board of Regents on 2/18/98.
Part VI.6.H, "Tuition Waiver for Children of Faculty and Staff" was added. This policy was adopted by the Board of Regents on 6/9/99.
27 October 2006
Part X.C.1.c, X.C.4, X.C.5 - References to "Personnel Committee" were changed to "Sabbatical Committee" to accurately reflect the reorganization of the committee structure which was changed when the Board of Regents approved the governance structure change from University Council to Faculty Senate on 11 March 2005.
Part X.C.5 - The Sabbatical Grant Approval process was updated to more accurately reflect the process which is followed with the governance structure change approved by the Board of Regents on 11 March 2005.
Part X. D. - The Academic Sweet Sabbatical guidelines were modified to reflect the updated criteria approved by WEA effective 2005.
23 August 2007
Part X.C. - The policy for the number of Academic Sabbaticals awarded was modified from no fewer than six to an equated number which is equal to 4% of the full-time faculty in a given year. In addition, unsuccessful applicants will receive a brief narrative outlining the strengths and weaknesses of their sabbatical proposals. Approved by the Board of Regents July, 2007.
21 May 2008
Part VI "Benefits" modified so that the short list of benefits was replaced by a link to the Human Resource comprehensive list of all faculty benefits. Faculty Tuition and Fee Waivers became a separate part (Part VII) and the remaining Parts were renumbered from VII through XI to VIII through XII.
Part VIII "Faculty Travel" (Previously part VII) modified to link to the WUPRPM travel procedures approved by the Board of Regents 5/16/08.
16 July 2013
VII.B. Elimination of ROTC faculty/staff for authorization of waiver of residence requirement since Washburn University hosts ROTC faculty on campus from other state institutions.
VII.D. Change all references to Washburn Endowment Association to Washburn University Foundation.
26 June 2015
Part I.A. Update regarding how and when typical faculty load is adjusted. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.
Part I.B. Eliminates duplicative wording regarding providing appropriate consideration for faculty teaching both day and evening courses. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.
Part XI.A. and B. Maintains maximum of one year of leave without pay with the right to request additional leave. Approval process will now also involve the Vice President for Academic Affairs. No maximum number of years of leave is set but annual requests are required for continued leave. In addition, sets standards to be used to approve application for leave and continuation of leave. Requires requests for continuation to occur early enough for academic units to have sufficient time to cover continued absence. Ensures intergovernmental exchange leave policy is consistent with traditional leave without pay. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.
Part XI.D.1. and 4. Clarifies that the three-year minimum full-time service applies to all eligible participants in the Sweet Sabbatical and adds flexibility to the application and final report submission deadlines. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.
January 25, 2018
Part II. Update Employment Outside the University - expanded beyond consulting to compensated work. Approved by General Faculty 28 January 2018.
Part V.C. Update policy regarding minimum qualifications for adjunct faculty. Approved by General Faculty 28 January 2018
7 May 2018
Part VII.C. - Educational Assistance Program - Replace the wording of the existing policy with a link to the most current policy in the Washburn Policies, Regulations, Procedures Manual (WUPRPM) to ensure accuracy of information should the policy be modified. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.
Part XI.C. - Academic Sabbatical Leave - Clarify that faculty on academic sabbatical leave are not required to engage in university obligations while on leave, to clarify the eligibility and frequency and procedures for sabbaticals, and to clarify the guidelines to be used in the determination of the awarding of academic sabbaticals. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.
Part XI. D. - Sweet Summer Sabbatical - Add flexibility to the application and submission deadline. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.