(Last Updated 7 May 2018)
Table of Contents
Section 1 - Administrative Structure
Roles and responsibilities - Board of Regents, University Officers, General Faculty, Major Academic Units and Administration, Faculty Senate and Committees
Section 2 - Conditions of Employment
University Policies, Faculty Responsibilities, Faculty Recruitment
Section 3 - Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures
Promotion, Tenure, Non-Reappointment, Grievance Policy, Scholarly Misconduct, Emeritus Status
Section 4 - Selection, Appointment, and Tenure of Academic Administrators
Chairperson, Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Acting Administrators, Associate/Assistant Administrators, Salaries and Terms of Office
Section 5 - Faculty Load, Benefits, and Leave Policy
Teaching Load, Summer/Overload/Outside Employment, Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty, Benefits, Travel, Leaves, Voluntary Phased Retirement
Section 6 - Classroom Procedures and General Faculty Responsibility
Student Records, Grading, Examinations, Grade Appeal, Academic Fresh Start, Faculty Responsibilities
Section 7 - Services For and Responsibilities of Students
Academic Advising, Student Conduct Code, Academic Impropriety Policy
Section 8 - Governance of Major Academic Units
Composition, Committee Structure, Governance Structure
Appendix I - Academic Organization Chart
Appendix II - The Core of Academe: Teaching, Scholarly Activity, and Service
Appendix III - Major Research Grants Fund Guidelines
Appendix IV - Human Subject Research Policy
Appendix V - Animal Subject Research Guidelines
Appendix VI - AIDS Policy and Guidelines
Appendix VII - DELETED (Copyright) -
(For the most current guidelines associated with copyrighted materials for classroom use, please link to copyright information for faculty on the Washburn University Libraries LibGuide. )
Appendix VIII - Using Software: A Guide to Ethical and Legal Use of Software for Members of the Academic Community
Appendix IX - Grievance Policy and Procedure
Appendix X - Policy Concerning Scholarly Misconduct
Appendix XI - Critical Incident Protocol
Appendix XII - Telecommunications Use and World Wide Web Policies
Appendix XIII - Conflict of Interest and Standards of Conduct Policy