Study Abroad and International WTE program

At Washburn you have the opportunity to study abroad internationally for a couple of weeks, a semester or a whole year! Be sure to check out the International WTE program for additional scholarship oppotunities and chances to share your experience.
Two students among trees looking at the sky

Find a study abroad program

We believe students who have studied abroad or been thoroughly exposed to the richness of history and cultures beyond our shores graduate from the University ready to contribute to a fast-paced global society in which information is delivered instantly around the world. 

Research has shown that students who study abroad graduate within four years at a higher rate than students who stay on campus for their full degree program. Studying abroad helps you define your goals and focuses your attention. It's also a great career boost, as employers are looking for recent grads who have leadership skills and experience working with people from other cultures.

Visit the Study Abroad site to find a program.

A student smiles while on a study abroad trip.

Study Abroad and WTE

Students participating in an approved study abroad program may elect to complete the program as a International Education Washburn Transformational Experience (IE-WTE). The program is designed to enhance students' education through transformative experiences outside of the classroom. Study Abroad programs enable students to experience different educational systems, connect with diverse communities, and develop cross-cultural competencies.

Program scholarships

By completing a study abroad program as an IE-WTE, students are eligible for the IE-WTE Scholarship. Awards vary depending on the cost and length of the program. Programs shorter than one semester in length are considered short term programs.

  • Short term: Awards from $700 to $1,000
  • Semester: Awards from $1,000 to $1,500
  • Academic year: Awards from $1,500 to $2,000

IE-WTE Scholarship Pre Departure and Post Program Requirements

  1. Choose a study abroad program and complete the associated application.
  2. Complete the Scholarships Application questionnaire within your Study Abroad Program Application. Select the "International Education - WTE Scholarship".
  3. Identify a Faculty Mentor. Students will work closely with a Faculty Mentor to complete the IE-WTE. The Faculty Mentor will oversee and approve the successful completion of the requirements. Refer to the IE-WTE Student/Mentor Guide to review the flow of the IE-WTE process.
    • For Faculty-led study abroad programs the Faculty-Leader serves as the Mentor.
    • For other programs the Faculty Mentor may be an Academic Advisor or a Faculty member who is familiar with the program location and/or the academic area of the program.
  • Summer and fall programs: March 1
    • Notified by early April
  • Spring and winter break programs: October 15
    • Notified by early November
  • Spring break programs: February 1
    • Notified by late February

Requirements are completed on the Dynamic Forms platform. To access Dynamic Forms you must have an active program application in Bods Abroad.

  1. Login to Bods Abroad
  2. Click on your program application
  3. Scroll to the Pre-decision requirements, click on: "International Education - Washburn Transformational Experience - Part I"
  4. Click the link inside of the learning content to be taken to the Dynamic Forms platform to complete the requirements.

Activity Plan

Share the details of your program. Priority Dates: Mar. 30 for Summer & Fall, Nov. 15 for Winter & Spring; or a date determined appropriate by the program faculty leader, if you are participating on a faculty-led program.

Complete all required fields with detailed descriptions and information.

  • WTE faculty mentor: This may be your academic advisor, or if you are participating in a faculty-led program, the faculty leader will serve as the mentor.
  • Activity plan description: Prepare a well-constructed paragraph that includes a program description, itinerary, and academic activities. For short term programs include a daily itinerary. For a semester program or longer provide a weekly itinerary.
  • Activity plan goals and objectives: Prepare a well-constructed paragraph that includes a description of 2-3 personal goals and the academic activities you will engage in to accomplish the goals. In addition, describe how the experience will transform.

Research Paper

Priority Dates: Mar. 30 for Summer & Fall, Nov. 15 for Winter & Spring; or a date determined appropriate by the program faculty leader, if you are participating on a faculty-led program.

Note: If you are participating in a faculty-led program you will submit your paper directly to your faculty mentor. You do not need to upload your paper to the GivePulse site.

The research paper will be completed in consultation with your faculty mentor. The paper will focus on a topic which will prepare the student for the IE-WTE experience. The paper should analyze some aspects of the country or culture to be experienced. The paper should be about five double spaced pages, excluding footnotes. Select an intellectually engaging topic which will contribute to your overall preparation. Acknowledge all sources using an approved citation style.

Include the following:

  1. An introductory section that summarizes topic, including your reason for selecting the topic, and previews what you intend to cover in the remainder of the paper.
  2. A description of the main points including your analysis.
  3. A conclusion that ties ideas together and discusses the impact of the research on your preparation for travel.

The organization and style of the paper should be appropriate for a Washburn University course, following the MLA format. The paper must be completed and approved prior to the international experience.

Enter the date and submit: Your WTE faculty mentor will receive an automatic message to review your submission for approval.

Requirements are completed on the Dynamic Forms platform. To the Dynamic Forms platform you must have an active program application in Bods Abroad.

  1. Login to the Bods Abroad website
  2. Click on your program application
  3. Scroll to the Post-decision requirements, click on: "International Education - Washburn Transformational Experience - Part II"
  4. Click the link to be taken to the Dynamic Forms platform to complete the requirements.

When working in the Dynamic Forms platform you may save information and return to continue an IE-WTE in progress.

Public Presentation

Share your experience. Priority Date: To be completed within the semester after returning and prior to graduation.

Complete all required fields with detailed descriptions and information.

  • Presentation venue: Enter the venue where you will present. Visit with your WTE faculty mentor to find an appropriate classroom or alternate venue for your presentation. The audience should be fellow WU students that would benefit from hearing about your IE-WTE experience.
  • Date of presentation: Enter the date of your presentation. To be completed within the semester after returning and prior to graduation.
  • Upload the presentation: Upload the PowerPoint or other materials used to deliver your presentation.

Option 1: Oral Presentationin a pre-approved WU classroom

The oral presentation is typically accompanied by a visual aid such as PowerPoint slide show.

Oral presentation format: In-person or virtual presentation with a power point slide show including text and visuals.

Oral presentation requirements:

  • Minimum 10 slides including:
    • Introduction: Your Name, Major, Program Title, Name of Institution/Host University/Organization, City, Country.
    • "What I Did": Program Description
    • "Why I Did It": Explanation of your reasons for choosing the IE-WTE option and the particular program
    • "What I Learned": Explanation of the outcomes of your experience
    • Conclusion: Testimonial describing the transformational aspects of the program and recommendations.
    • Program contact information and program website if available.
  • Present information from left to right, top left to bottom right on each slide.
  • Arrange the information logically.
  • Use LARGE SIMPLE fonts.
  • Balance text and visuals (charts, diagrams, photographs, etc.) as appropriate to support your experience.
  • Maintain a professional appearance.
  • Prepare a 10-minute presentation. Practice it.
  • Be prepared to answer additional questions about your program, research, and sources.

Option 2: Poster Presentation

Each semester an event is held to recognize those students who have completed a Washburn Transformation Experience. During the event students poster presentations are put on display. The poster is a visual presentation of your transformational experience.

For more information and to register for the event, visit the Day of Transformation (Fall) or Aperion (spring).

Registration tips:

  • The WTE title is the title of your program as it appears on the Bods Abroad website. List the title of your program and the location ex. "Satakunta University of Applied Sciences - Pori, Finland (Magellan Exchange)".
  • If you are completing your presentation with another student who participated in the same program you both must register, list the same program title and list your co-presenter in the appropriate window.

Poster presentation formats: Poster presentations will be displayed horizontally on 4' x 6' cork boards. Push pins can be used to attach items to the board, participants are expected to provide their own pins. Handouts and small display objects can be mounted on the boards. A limited number of display boards with access to electricity are also available. Please select this option only if your display requires electrical equipment. Specialized equipment (computers, extension cords, power strips, projection screens, etc.) must be provided by participants.

Format: Computer Generated Poster 36” high x 56” wide, create the poster using PowerPoint.


  • Open a blank PowerPoint page
  • Click the Design tab
  • Click "Slide Size" on the far-left side of the options bar
  • Custom Slide Size
  • Change the width to 56 inches & the height to 36 inches
  • Save
  • Click the Insert tab to insert text boxes and pictures onto your poster
  • Leave text and images at least 0.25" from the poster's edges for printing.
  • Center the title at the top of the page font size "66". The title should include the program title and location (city & country).
  • Center your name under the poster title font size "54".
  • Text on the rest of the poster should be font size "28".

Complete the WTE Poster Grant Application to have your poster printed free of charge at UMAPS. The application and complete poster must be submitted a minimum of (1) week prior to the presentation event.

Lastly, compelte the Survey "As a result of participating in this Washburn Transformational Experience (WTE) I:"

Submit: Click the submit button to notify your faculty mentor that requirements are ready for review and approval.

GET IN TOUCH WITH International Programs

Office of International Programs
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621

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